
Small Lake Fishing Resources

Small Lake Articles

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – February 2010

Paradise PFA: Levels: Full pool. Temp: 56 degrees. Clarity: Lakes lightly stained; 36 inches of visibility on Lake Patrick. Report filed by area manager Charles West. Bass: Fair. Anglers have caught bass in lakes Patrick, Bobben and Russell. Spinnerbaits and Rat-L-Traps fished 6 feet or deeper have been the best. Expect bass to start taking…

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – October 2009

Paradise PFA: Levels: 6 to 12 inches below full pool. Temp: 84 degrees. Clarity: Lightly stained; 24-inch visibility on Lake Patrick. Bass: Fair. Schooling bass are feeding on baitfish in Lakes Patrick and Bobben. Topwater baits are the preferred choice. Most bass are running small, although a few anglers have reported boating 15 to 20…

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – September 2009

Paradise Public Fishing Area: Levels: 6 to 12 inches below full pool. Temp: 84 degrees. Clarity: Lightly stained; 24 inches visibility on Lake Patrick. Bass: Fair. Texas-rigged, black plastic worms continue to do well. Fish just off the edges of the weed lines during early morning periods. Work it slow. Switch to crankbaits by mid…

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – August 2009

Paradise Public Fishing Area: Levels: Most lakes are 6 to12 inches below full pool. Temp: 82 degrees. Clarity: Lightly stained; 24-inch visibility on Lake Patrick. Bass: Slow, according to Area Manager Charles West. “Try fishing topwater baits during early morning periods. Switch to crankbaits by mid morning, and concentrate on the deeper water down to…

Anglers Fighting For Access To Bear Creek Reservoir

More than eight years after it was impounded and stocked with F1 bass, Bear Creek Reservoir finally has a boat ramp under construction. It should be completed by August. Now, Jackson County, which will control day-to-day operations at the 505-acre water-supply reservoir near Athens, has announced plans to limit access to just three days a…