
Small Lake Fishing Resources

Small Lake Articles

South Georgia PFA Summer Slam

Editor’s Note: An edited version appeared in the June 2009 issue of GON. This is the uncut version. It’s kick-off time for my PFA Summer Slam. Every summer I’ll take a week to hit my favorite PFAs. I’m going spank those waters to a mono froth. My wife, Cindy, will be joining me, so watch…

Fort Stewart Ponds Produce Giant Bass

The mystique of truly giant bass swimming below the surface of a collection of small lakes has long lured anglers to southeast Georgia. These waters may be small, but they have produced untold numbers of 10-lb. and better bass, and a remarkable number of bass better than 14 pounds. GON’s list of Georgia’s Biggest Bass…

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – June 2009

Paradise PFA: Levels: All lakes are full. Temp: 74 degrees. Clarity: Lightly stained. Bass: Slow. Bass fishing is slower than usual this time of year, but decent catches have recently come from lakes Bobben and Patrick. There are a few reports of bass hitting buzzbaits and topwater lures in the early morning. Concentrate on shallows…

Know Your Weeds To Help Your Fishing

  The Southeast is rich with ponds, lakes and wetlands that offer countless memories for anglers, swimmers and outdoor-water enthusiasts. Ponds and lakes are more than places to wet a hook. They enhance the value of the rural landscape, and fresh water is critical for crops and habitat quality for a variety of wildlife. The…

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – April 2009

Paradise PFA: Reports by Area Manager Charles West. Levels: All lakes are at or near full pool. Temp: 68 degrees. Clarity: Lakes lightly stained. Lake Patrick has 36-inch visibility. Bass: Bass are starting to feed a little more aggressively. Anglers are catching 2- to 3-lb. bass on Carolina-rigged 6- to 7 1/2-inch plastic worms. Red…