Small Lake Fishing Resources
Small Lake Articles
Paradise PFA: Reports were prepared by Area Manager Charles West. Levels: Lake Patrick is at full pool, but other PFA lakes remain 12 to 18 inches below full pool. Temp: 59 degrees. Clarity: Clear to lightly stained. Bass: Good. Several bass anglers have reported catching 20 to 30 bass using chrome/blue Rat-L-Traps in Lake Bobben.…
The north Georgia mountains are more likely to be equated with trout fishing than gigantic largemouths, but the cold, clear waters have created some California-style bass fishing on the 53-acre Unicoi Lake at Unicoi State Park, and a pair of Cleveland buddies has figured out how to catch them. On Oct. 22, Levi Garrett landed…
Paradise PFA: Level: Most lakes remain 12 to 18 inches below full pool. Temp: 62 degrees. Clarity: Lakes are clear to lightly stained. Report filed by Charles West, Paradise PFA Manager. Bass: Fair. Several anglers are still reporting bass being caught using crankbaits. Shad Raps and Rat-L-Traps have been the best choices. Fish over drops…
For some guys, it’s all about the fishing. Ryan Lamb of Lilburn, at 18, has bass fishing in his blood. In November, there are few places he’d rather be than ripping a buzzbait across the surface of Black Shoals Reservoir waiting for a 5-pounder to blow up on the clattering, splashing bait. At 18, Ryan…
Paradise PFA: Level: Most lakes are 12 to 18 inches below full pool. Lake Patrick is 18 inches below full pool. Temp: 65-68 degrees. Clarity: Slightly stained. Visibility on Patrick is 3 feet. Bass: Fair, according to area manager Charles West. “Several anglers have reported good results using crankbaits in lakes Patrick, Russell and Bobben.…