
Small Lake Fishing Resources

Small Lake Articles

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – December 2010

Paradise PFA: Level: Most lakes are 12 to 18 inches below full pool. Temp: 68 degrees. Clarity: Clear to lightly stained. Bass: Fair. Several anglers are still reporting bass being caught using crankbaits. Shad Raps and Rat-L-Traps have been the best choice for baits. Fish over drops in Lake Patrick and Horseshoe 4 in deeper…

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – November 2010

Paradise PFA: Level: Most lakes 12-18 inches below full pool. Temp: 74 degrees. Clarity: Most lakes are slightly stained. Visibility on Lake Patrick is 36 inches. Bass: Fair. Several anglers have reported good results using crankbaits in lakes Patrick, Russell and Bobben. Shad Raps and Rat-L-Traps have been the best choice of baits. Fish them…

Fishing Small Waters On Your Hunt Club

Ever been bored around hunt camp in between deer hunts? Do naps, TV, talking (lying) and eating typically fill the time void? Chances are there is another good option right on your hunt club, fishing. If you want to be the hero of your club, bring back some fish to go with your venison steaks…

Hydrilla Causing Multiple Problems At Lake Varner

Covington’s Lake Varner has anglers talking about something other than the giant bass it produces. The word on lips these days is “hydrilla” and the effects it’s having on fishing, wildlife and the lake’s ability to efficiently produce drinking water. “Hydrilla has matted probably 70 percent of the lake’s surface. You can go about 50…

Paradise PFA Fishing Report – July 2010

Paradise PFA: Levels: Most lakes are 3 to 6 inches below full pool. Temp: 86-88 degrees. Clarity: Lakes lightly stained; 24-inch visibility on Lake Patrick. Bass: Fair, according to area manager Charles West. “Fishing for bass has been very tough. Try topwater baits during early morning periods,” Charles said. “Switch to crankbaits by mid morning,…