
Lake Jackson Fishing Report – November 2010

GON Staff | October 29, 2010

Jackson: Level: Full. Temp: 66-70 degrees. Clarity: Fairly clear, but should be staining after rain.

Aaron Batson reports, “Bait is loaded in the backs of the creeks and pockets, more so than I have seen in recent years. Bass are being caught on buzzbaits and spinnerbaits in these areas. A good buzzbait as of late has been the 3/8-oz white buzzbait made by Buzzerbait. Then an all-white, double-willow, 1/4-oz. spinnerbait by Ol Nelle has also worked well, especially on windy days. Late in the month expect the fish to move deeper with cooler weather. Slow-rolled Rat-L-Traps and heavy 1/2- or 3/4-oz. Ol Nelle spinnerbaits will work on secondary points as bass move toward deeper water.” Eric Perkins said the fish should remain fairly shallow throughout the month. Spinnerbaits and 300 Bandit crankbaits work well. Rat-L-Traps allow him to cover water. On bright days, he’ll flip a jig to docks.

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