Spy-Cam October 2021
Reader Contributed | October 4, 2021
Email your trail-camera pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.

That’s Why They’re Called Puddle Ducks: If a wet spot next to a feeder attracts ducks, you now know why game wardens are so adamant about catching duck baiters. Michael Padgett got pictures of ducks in a puddle next to a wild pig baiting site in Lee County.

Food Worth Fighting Over: Does are often testy with each other, all too often next to a corn feeder. These does were fighting over persimmons, also known as “deer candy.” Rob Vincent’s trail-cam snapped this picture last Sept. 21 in Fulton County.

Spread Eagle: OK, we know that’s a hawk, but this awesome trail-cam picture makes it clear how the term Spread Eagle came about. Subscriber Larry Ammon, of Meansville, got the picture in Talbot County on Aug. 19.

Pig Needs A Haircut? Bryan Duncan submitted several pictures of what appears to be a hog with some unusually long hair. Bryan got the pictures in Wilkes County.

Snow White Raccoon: GON member Cliff Eaddy submitted a group of pictures showing a snow-white raccoon on his Taliaferro County property near Crawfordville.