Spy-Cam October 2011
Reader Contributed | October 1, 2011

“Big 6” Wearing a Bulls-eye? James Todd said letting this Carroll County buck walk hasn’t resulted in more points. “This one has been a 6-point since 2009, and I’m thinking he will be on the hit list this bow season.”

Bears, Bears Everywhere: This bear was hanging out in Polk County last August. Jason Brown, of Rockmart, said, “I was very shocked to see this picture of a black bear in Polk County. I got a total of four pictures of it. This is the first bear picture ever on our lease, and the only one I’ve ever heard of around this area.”

Looking At the Doe In the Mirror: Jacob Cronan of, Canton, got this funny photo in Cherokee County on July 24, 2010. “The doe looks like she’s looking in a mirror at herself,” Jacob said.

A Successful Hunt: Scott Boswell, of Watkinsville, got this picture on his Greene County land. “The land is loaded with rabbits, so I am sure it is easy pickings for the cats,” Scott said. But we’re not so sure that’s a rabbit. It looks like the bobcat’s meal has a long, skinny tail… maybe a Boone & Crockett class Greene County rat?
Send your best trail-camera shots to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. You must include your name, hometown, county where the shot was taken, date, time and any interesting details. Digital photos and info should be e-mailed to [email protected].