Spy-Cam November 2021
Favorite trail-camera photos from Georgia hunters.
Reader Contributed | November 2, 2021
Email your trail-camera pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.

Coyote Attack: This dramatic picture was captured in a Dougherty County field at 12:31 p.m. on Oct. 9. Billy Spivey submitted the photo. “This is not an isolated incident,” Billy said. “I have frames of the coyote coming through hunting our deer and turkey. We did see buzzards in the area of the attack that week, but we were unable to find the body.”

Middle Georgia Bruin: This big bear knocked down several feeders during a reign of mayhem in Crawford County during August. Stuart Fitzhugh, of Griffin, said one of the feeder lids still hasn’t been found.

Big Buck Down! Here’s a BBD that’s not going to be texted by your hunting buddy. GON subscriber Ronnie Horne, of Newnan, got this trail-cam picture of a buck fight that escalated to serious combat. The picture was captured in Heard County at 5:27 p.m. on Sept. 16.

Coyote Stare Down: A trail-camera in Cherokee County was positioned perfectly to catch this encounter between a coyote and a young buck. Matt Richter’s camera got the picture on Oct. 13 at 11:17 a.m. Makes you wonder how many encounters occur when there isn’t a trail camera right there.

Full Moon Over Burke County: GON subscriber Chad Shivers, of Waynesboro, had a doe pass in front of his trail-camera at just the right time to frame the July 3 full moon.