Spy Cam – May 2020
Reader Contributed | May 1, 2020
Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Print images can be mailed to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650

I’ll See Your Flying Fox, And Raise You A Soaring Bobcat! That caption only makes sense if you remember the Spy-Cam photo in the March issue of a fox flying above a feeder to catch a crow. This time it’s a bobcat, and the cat is catching a hawk out of the air. John Rakestraw lives in Worth County and got this photo in Ben Hill County.

Fed Up With Coons: Long-time GON member Gordan McFarland, of Eatonton, said, “Here is a photo from Oct. 7 at a feeder behind our house in Putnam County. The doe seems to be telling the raccoon, ‘This is the last time I tell you to stay away from our feeder!’”

Leaning Into It: Earl M. “Mitch” Wine, U.S. Army Retired, sent this photo of a Fort Benning buck he was hunting two seasons ago. Mitch is a GON member from Columbus.

A Little Breakfast, A Little Sparring: GON member Olin “Doc” Cooper, of Vidalia, sent this photo from Nov. 18, 2018 showing 6-point bucks. The picture was taken in Toombs County.
Piggie See, Piggie Do: GON member Frank Hyre, of Gordon, has some big critters behind his Wilkinson County home. “Pigs were knocking down the deer feeder, so I strapped it to a tree,” Frank said. “My wife loves to see the deer near our house. We did not know a very large bear was also at the feeder. Strapping to the tree helped, but pigs and bear are still around.” Frank has 30 acres, and the feeder is 100 yards from the house.