Spy Cam – May 2016
Reader Contributed | May 12, 2016

Big Bobcat Getting A Mineral Boost: Bobcats may be mostly nocturnal, but this big Hancock County cat came out during daylight hours to get a taste from the mineral block. Spy Geneos, a GON subscriber from Dacula, got this picture at 8:45 a.m. on Feb. 14.

Peephole Deer: “I like to call this picture ‘Who Is It?’ because this Jasper County deer appears to be looking into the trail camera like someone would look through the peep hole of a hotel room door,” wrote GON subscriber Shane Newton, of Conyers.

My Bearded Sister: GON subscriber Bruce Keneagy, of Ball Ground, submitted a pic of a bearded hen from Cherokee County. “I had seen this bearded hen several times in person but could never get a good shot of her on camera,” Bruce said. “Finally got one in mid March 2016, and she was with a nice gobbler.”

Our Friendly Neighbors: Good thing they’re friendly, showing up at that hour. Dale Saus, a GON subscriber from Blairsville, got this pic of his backyard wildlife at 2:30 a.m. on March 26.

Before And After: Trail cameras may be the best tool a hunter can use when trying to pattern a big buck. If nothing else, getting a single picture sure gives a hunter incentive to put time in the stand. Daniel Moore, of Rochelle, was 23 when he killed this big Wilcox County 13-pointer on Nov. 15 during the 2014 season. The Spy-Cam picture was captured Nov. 8 at 8:54 a.m.