
Spy Cam – July 2023

Reader Contributed | June 29, 2023

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Them’s Fightin’ Words: Phil McCall had a nice crop of velvet bucks coming to a Cherokee County feeder west of Ball Ground last July, including this 8-pointer and 6-pointer who just couldn’t get along. “I have a mineral lick just behind the deer. I make up my own minerals, as it is a LOT cheaper to make than buy. Seems to work,” Phil said.


The Birds: Wade LeComte, of Loganville, captured this picture on his trail camera in Walton County and said he immediately thought back to seeing the 1963 classic horror movie “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock.


Trail-Cam Pictures Show Hawk Attacking A Gobbler: “I caught pictures of a hawk trying to attack a gobbler at my feeder,” said Den Holder, who submitted a series of pictures of this encounter. The action occurred May 21 at 10:57 a.m. on hunting property in Jones County.


Mom-Of-The-Year Candidate: Steve Wawrzyk, of Tiger, got this trail-camera picture at 1:31 a.m. on Aug. 23. Don’t know if she’s baby sitting or these are all her’s, but this Rabun County momma bear has four cubs in tow.

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