Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.
Big, Awesome… and Dangerous: Big rattlesnakes are amazing creatures, but you sure don’t want to accidentally have an encounter with one. Ben Shackelford’s trail camera got this photo on May 30 at 6:53 p.m. “Big rattlesnake showed up at my feeder in Talbot County,” Ben said. “Not sure if it is a diamondback or a timber rattler. Looks like the deer was surprised. Hunters need to take caution around a feeder.”
No Shortage of Gilmer County Bears: GON member Phil McCall lives near Amicolola Falls in Gilmer County, and he says there are plenty of bears in the area, including some big ones. He got this picture on April 23. “This old boy stands greater than 36 inches at the shoulder as evidenced by the garden fence insulators to the left of the bear,” Phil said. “Our backyard garden is enclosed with an electric fence to keep the bears out. I blundered into a bigger bear in our front yard about 5 feet off our porch. Lots of bears here.”
The Fox’s Den: If you find a big hole with fresh activity, put a camera on it! Sylvan Anderson, of Hiram, said, “Behind my father’s house in Hiram, he found a fox den and decided to put up his Spartan trail-cam. It snapped many pictures of the mom and the baby foxes. Even got a pic of a chicken the momma brought back for the babies! Really rare and awesome to watch these young foxes grow.”
The Animal Carcass Trail-Camera Experiment: There are lots of fun and interesting things you can do with a trail camera. GON writer John Trussell shot a wild hog in Macon County and set up the remains and a trail camera to see what would come for dinner. “This large bobcat showed up for four days and kept it covered up between visits,” John said.