Send your pics to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. Include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Digital photos and caption info can be e-mailed to [email protected].
Teasing On Camera: Think this doe was sending a message on this picture? “Attached is a picture I found while reviewing trail-cam pics over a mineral lick in Newton County,” said Dan Doelling, who submitted the picture. “Not sure who the doe is sticking her tongue out at, but I thought it was funny.” Dan got the shot last May 16.
Trapped But Still Charging: Barry Ivey set up a corral-style hog trap on his Greene County property. Luckily for GON readers, he included a trail-camera to the setup, and the above picture taken on June 25 is the result. “My trail camera got this shot of a hog charging me as I came to my trap,” Barry said. “I am just out of the picture, directly in front of the hog. The next shot was taken by me!”
Rut Sign—The For-Sure Kind: At least one doe was in heat in Randolph County last Nov. 25. Dean E. Smith, LTC US Army retired, got a series of three photos of this buck and doe. The third image caught them in the act. “While my hunting last year suffered due to knee surgery, my trail cameras on my south Georgia property took some very interesting shots,” said Dean, who lives in Stone Mountain. “These photos were taken approximately 50 yards from a box blind I use when I can’t climb a ladder stand.”
Now Here’s A Fawn Scene We’d Much Rather See: Instead of the Harris County trail-camera picture above, we much prefer to see one like this scene from Randolph County. “This picture was taken on July 9 (last year) at 8:15 a.m. in Cuthbert. We are still trying to figure out if this doe just gave birth to this fawn. Hopefully, that’s dad (and his good genes) looking on,” said the sender, who did not include a name.