Scrapbook – October 2022
Reader Contributed | October 3, 2022
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Mary Barton with her nice 8-point buck shot in Hancock County on Oct. 23 last season.

First trout is a nice one! Eric Mauldin’s first trout was this 3 1/2-lb. rainbow caught on the Toccoa River in August. The fish was 19 1/2 inches long.

A nighttime jugging trip for catfish on Lake Oconee resulted in this giant longnose gar for James Stovall, of Stockbridge.

Marysa Rylee was 16 last Nov. 6 when she shot this Banks County 8-pointer that was chasing does.

Very unique and cool dropped-down main beams on this Dooly County buck shot by Jason Cranford on Nov. 16.

William Payton Sr., of Cochran, with a super Lake Blackshear bass. William caught the 8.39-pounder on March 6. It was his third cast ever with a new rod he won the week before during an ABA tournament.

This is Agnes Wallet, of Madison County, which is where she caught her first bass on May 5.

Lemarr Humphrey killed this coyote in Floyd County on Aug. 11 as it was coming into his watermelon patch. “They would eat three or four a night,” said Lemarr, a GON subscriber from Coosa.

Ed Dean, of Athens, tagged this nice Clarke County 8-point buck with his Marlin .270 on Friday, Nov. 20. The buck was following two does into Ed’s stand setup.