Realtree Kids Scrapbook – January 2022
Brad Gill | January 5, 2022

Ames Donald, 11, of Augusta, killed his first deer on Nov. 24 while hunting with his father, Jonathon, in Bibb County.

Anna Adams, 15, of Comer, with a Madison County buck taken Nov. 26. The buck ran a second, larger buck out of a food plot after some sparring. The buck then made its way into the oaks where the ground blind was setup, offering Anna a broadside shot. It was her first deer.

Here’s a first deer from Elbert County taken by 6-year-old Brayton Dixon, of Elberton.

Caroline Banks, 10, with her father, Loy, and her very first deer that was taken in Morgan County.

Ten-year-old Heidi Manley shot her first buck while hunting with dad Ryan in Pickens County on Oct. 23.

Hannah Parkerson, 9, with her first deer from Putnam County on Oct. 29. Her dad was equally excited.

Hudson Hall, 9, of Good Hope, with a really nice buck from Walton County taken on Nov. 16.

Hunter Huddy, 8, shot his first buck ever in Henry County while hunting with his grandpa Mike Singley.

Hutson Hammond, son of former 9-year-old Truck-Buck Shoot-Out winner Zack Hammond, with a nice buck from Lee County.

Ira Deborde, 10, of Winston, killed his second deer in Douglas County on Oct. 25.

Isaiah Bishop was hunting in Troup County on Nov. 17 when he killed this buck. It only had one good eye.

Jackson Walker, 14, of Warner Robins, with a Houston County 10-point taken on Nov. 6.

Jadyn Roberts, 14, harvested this mature “ghost buck” in Lee County on Nov. 26.

Jake Alexander, 7, was hunting in his Pa’s deer stand in Toombs County when he shot this buck.

Jason Blair, 7, of Villa Rica, with a Douglas County deer taken Nov. 21. It was his first deer. Congrats Jason!

Landon Seymour, 7, was hunting near Jackson the morning after Thanksgiving when he connected on this drake wood duck.

Mason Arrowood with a super 11-pointer out of Greene County on Nov. 13.

Mason Kayser, 14, with a doe he took at a 30-30 Ministries Deer Camp in Dooly County. Mason stands with landowners Mr. and Mrs. David Reed.

Matthew Miller, 8, of Fortson, took this 12-pointer in Harris County on Nov. 20.

Peyton McLain, 12, caught this prize channel catfish on Oct. 23 while jugging in their third-generation family farm’s 15-acre pond. It weighed 26 pounds, squashing the previous pond record of 16 pounds.

Sawyer Hall, 6, of Monroe, was goose hunting on Nov. 24 in Morgan County when he got his first goose.

Walker Chandler, 7, of Albany, with a shoal bass caught on the lower Flint River in Dougherty County on Nov. 14.