Realtree Kids Scrapbook January 2021
Reader Contributed | January 3, 2021
Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].

Able Lynch, 6, of Cassville, with some Rocky Mtn. PFA slabs caught March 22.

Andrew Bruce, 6, killed his first deer in Morgan County on Nov. 17.

Andrew Carnley, 14, of Perry, with an Ocmulgee PFA bass caught on Nov. 23. It weighed 4-lbs., 3-ozs.

Ten-year-old Blake Mitchell, of Jones County, rolled his first longbeard on March 15. The Johnson County tom strutted into range in a food plot. He weighed 21 pounds and had a 7-inch beard.

Britton Lumpkin, 14, of Acworth, killed his first turkey in Haralson County. His sister Annalee, 7, was also along on the hunt.

Caleb Gibbs, 11, of Cordele, was hunting with his Pappy Raymond Gibbs in Wilcox County when he killed his first deer. Raymond said that the buck didn’t have a huge set of antlers, but it sure was a trophy to both of them.

Charlie Thomas was fortunate enough to kill this big 9-point on Realtree Farms in Harris County on Nov. 28.

Tommy Dean sent us this photo of a proud moment when his grandson Colton Jones, 8, killed his first buck.

Dom Slovisky, 14, with a mature 5-pointer killed in Taylor County on Nov. 7.

Evan Hamby, of Monroe, with a Walton County doe taken on Nov. 23. It was Evan’s first deer.

Faith Patterson, of Blue Ridge, who just turned 13, with a hog she killed in Monroe County last year.

Griffin Gracen, 13, with a Liberty County 7-foot gator taken on Labor Day in Johnson’s Creek.

Hadleigh Bruce and Anderson Herrington are both 9 years old and killed this squirrel in Newton County.

Houston Banks, 11, of Morgan County, tagged out on Dec. 1 with this 10-point.

Hunter Crane, 6, of Gainesville, with a Hall County catfish caught all by himself.

Jackson Adams, 11, of Hogansville, with a 27-lb. West Point flathead.

Kaylee Barker, 11, of Kingsland, took this Camden County doe on Oct. 10.

Morgan Johnson with a Dougherty County 4-pointer taken Nov. 11. It was Morgan’s first deer.

Here’s a chunky 4-lb. spotted bass caught by Nolan Kimball, 8, of Canton. He was fishing at Lake Lanier on Sept. 22.

Sawyer Seay, 5, of Dawsonville, caught his first fish in Hancock County.

Looks like a good day of fishing in Murray County for 12-year-old Zaden Rogers, of Kennesaw.

Zeb Atkinson caught his first bass in Jeff Davis County on Feb. 23. His older brother Cye doesn’t look impressed.