Realtree Kids – October 2019
Reader Contributed | September 25, 2019

Nothing like Thanksgiving morning venison, just ask Alyssa White, 10, of Free Home. She killed this doe in Cherokee County.

Christian Lee Hughey, 8, of Forsyth, killed this 8-pointer on Big Lazer Creek WMA on a youth hunt last season. He was hunting in a ground blind with his dad.

Georgia West, 13, of Social Circle, with her bloodhound Duke and a doe she killed on Sept. 15 in Walton County. The deer went 100 yards, and Duke went right to it. It was his first successful tracking job. Georgia has been training Duke all by herself for the last 18 months.

Looks like the bite was on for our young GON subscriber Levi Kendall, 10, of Mansfield. He was fishing a private pond in Monticello when the smaller bass hit his crankbait. Levi believes the bigger fish was trying to eat the smaller bass and then got hooked up.

Sam, 10, Noah, 8, and their daddy, of Perry, had a Memorial Day weekend on the Ocmulgee River in Dodge County they’ll never forget. These limb-lined flatheads weighed a total of 73 pounds.