Realtree Kids – November 2019
Reader Contributed | November 3, 2019

Wyatt Stewart, 9, of Patterson, with a Satilla River bucketmouth he caught in Pierce County on June 17. He was fishing a Bert Deener’s Satilla Spin in red/white. It was the first big bass Wyatt had ever caught on his own.

Longtime GON subscriber Savannah Betsill, 11, with her first deer. She took it during the youth weekend in Butts County with a .243 rifle.

Rylan Robbins, 12, of Sylvania, killed this nice 9-point on Nov. 25 in Screven County while hunting with his dad on his grandpa’s farm.

Riley Hall’s second deer happens to be a big 13-point. The 11-year-old from Cochran may have a hard time topping this Bleckley County buck.

Catching a limit of rainbows was not an issue for Lydia Bartlett, 9, of Lavonia. She was fishing in Rabun County at Wildcat Creek.

We like to see kids wearing those life jackets. It certainly didn’t stop Kerrington Holliday, 6, of Athens, from catching a bass.

Karity Sears, 10, of Newborn, had just finished her homework in the Morgan County deer stand when this doe stepped into a food plot.

This 1.3-oz. bream was quite the trophy for Jase McClung, 5, of Leesburg. It was caught in a Lee County pond.

Slab alert! Charley Harrison, 5, of Wrightsville, caught the pound-an-a-halfer on Christmas Eve in Johnson County.

Nothing like a good deer-dog hunt, just ask Carson Smith, 10, of Effingham. He killed this Jenkins County 8-point.

A GON hat gets you published every time. Great Putnam County buck for Brenlee Brown, 9, of Eatonton.

For 5 years old, Avery Rener, of Sandy Springs, sure is proud of the stringer of shellcrackers she caught in her “Daddy Ray’s” pond in Hancock County.

Check out the one antlered buck for Anthony Gordy, 13, of Williamson. He was hunting in Twiggs County at Bond Swamp NWR.

Sarah Mac Watson, 9, had logged in many hours on the stand before this Jackson County brute came strolling by and offered a good shot.

Claire Beasley, 8, of Lyons, used a .223 rifle to kill her first deer ever. The next day she killed her second deer.

One shot! Deer No. 1 and 2 go down for Annie Dobbs, 10, of McDonough, while hunting in Henry County.