Letters To The Editor July 2019
Reader Contributed | June 28, 2019
Watching That Cork Bob Is Great Relaxation
Dear GON,
I enjoyed reading the article on Big Lazer WMA. I live about 25 miles from this WMA and fish it when I have time. I have caught some large bream, catfish and crappie there. I am not a bass fisherman. I enjoy watching the cork bob up and down. There is something about watching the cork that is so relaxing, especially after a hard week.
John Davis, of Waverly Hall
Editorial Hit Home
Dear GON,
I read your June editorial, and it brought back sad memories of last November when I got the word that our lease (in another state) would be turned over to the state for a WMA.
We had that place of heaven for 29 years. It was just like you described your lease, word for word, but in my home state.
I can take some comfort that it will not be developed, but (my state’s) DNR does not have a good record of upkeep. Georgia DNR does a better job with their WMAs, and Georgia game wardens are the best. That is all for now.
Good luck to you in the future.
Christopher Smolder
It’s Not All About Big Bucks
Dear GON,
I’m a Georgia born native and am an avid hunter and sportsman throughout the state. I enjoy deer hunting, duck hunting, turkey hunting, coyote hunting and hunting hogs with dogs. The three main hunting activities I focus on are ducks, hogs and turkey.
I feel like some of the changes to the new hunting regulations that puts more focus on other types of hunting besides just deer hunting is great. Also, the thought of allowing hog and bear dogging on WMAs is a great way to bring back an old way of hunting.
There are too many changes that have been made in the past for the benefit of deer hunting that hurt other types of hunting. For example, when they extended the deer season and eliminated the old December Break, it cut into small-game seasons.
People in this world are too focused on killing a 150 that they have lost the true meaning of hunting. It’s not just about killing a big buck for a contest. Maybe there should be more contests than just big deer contests. Maybe contests like the killing of coyotes (like GON does with their Coyote Cull). Maybe there could be hog or trapping contests.
I am afraid everyone is too focused on the big money maker, big bucks. Some additional changes geared toward other game species would be good for the hunters of Georgia all around, instead of just being focused on changes that benefit only the deer hunters.
Blake Davis, Monroe

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Chris Winters, of Dawsonville, shot this bear in September with a bow while hunting in Gilmer County.

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Charlee Kate Golden, of Dallas, landed this 7 1/2-pounder on her own with no help from Dad.
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