Georgia Spy Cam – February 2024
Reader Contributed | February 2, 2024
Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.

Monroe County Bear: Subscriber David Newberry, of Macon, said he had just filled a feeder up two hours prior to this bear showing up. He got the picture in Monroe County on July 12 at 12:30 p.m.

Rabbit Hunter: Ryan Yoakum, a GON subscriber from Cumming, submitted this photo from his Taliaferro hunting land. Dang yotes. What don’t they eat?

One Of These Turkeys Is Not Like The Others: “We have a nice hunting property of almost 400 acres in Randolph County. We manage it year-round with success in deer, hogs and turkeys,” said Dave Sutherland. “This past month we’ve been able to see many nice birds while hunting deer. Unfortunately, I can’t for the life of me remember seeing a wild turkey with this amazing plumage… Just kidding, I know it’s a peacock, but where it came from I have no idea.”

Raccoon Family Portrait: Tommy Kennedy, of Glennville, captured this trail-camera picture on his Tattnall County hunting land.

Backyard Brawlers: GON member Tom Busbin, of Nicholson, got this picture in his Jackson County yard during an October evening.

Plenty Of Birds: Mike Miller’s hunting land in Worth County doesn’t have a turkey population problem.