Georgia Spy Cam – April 2024
Reader Contributed | March 31, 2024
Email pictures to [email protected] and please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.

Black Canine: “Need help identifying whether this is a coyote or dog,” said David Richardson, of Gainesville. David got several images of the Madison County critter. Looks like a yote to us.

Still Not Settled: Longtime GON subscriber Richard Moorman, of White Plains, sent this shot. “Thought it was interesting to see two bucks locking up this February. Usually deer drop their horns this time of year,” Richard said.

Who’s Hunting Who? I see you, too. Keith Hollingsworth submitted this photo from April 23, 2021.

Temporary Truce: These bucks were likely not so cordial once that velvet came off. GON subscriber Tom Busbin, of Nicholson, got this shot on Aug. 18, 2021.

Perfect Perch: Food source and a good view… this owl is liking the vantage point. Chris Addleton, a GON subscriber from Cairo, got this trail-camera photo on his Talbot County lease on Sept. 29.

Flint River Out Of Its Banks: Beautiful sunrise shot of a couple of deer swimming by the trail camera when the Flint was out on Feb. 14. Glynn Barnes sent this shot from the landowner of the Crawford County property near Roberta that Glynn and his wife Ellane have hunted since 1994.