GON recently fielded a call from hunter Oliver Bliss concerning what he believed to be excessive timber cutting at Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge located in Jones and Jasper counties. “I’m 71 years old and have been hunting those woods for over 50 years, and I’ve never seen anything like this before. They’re cutting down all…
The Savannah National Wildlife Refuge held its 22nd annual deer hunt for the mobility impaired Oct. 31-Nov. 1. Thirteen hunters harvested a total of eight deer, including an 18-point, non-typical deer shot by Frankie Steele, of Batesburg, S.C. “I’ve been coming here for several years and hope to keep coming,” said Frankie. “It’s a really…
Time is running out for current or former armed service members to participate in a pheasant tower shoot on Saturday, Dec. 9 in Columbia County. To be entered into a random drawing, participants must apply by Sunday, Dec. 3. The Fallen Outdoors (TFO) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help get veterans get…
Scott Rabon, of Blakely, likes to do his part to protect wildlife on his Early County hunting property by shooting a few coyotes every year. His latest song dog was taken on Nov. 13, but it was like any other coyote he’d ever killed. “I thought it had a collar on when I first went to…
Becky Stripling, of Doerun, killed a Worth County buck on her family farm the evening of Saturday, Nov. 11. Her big buck was a very symmetrical main-frame 8-pointer with three small kickers that grossed 156 2/8 and should net around 151 4/8 inches. Being only her third buck, he is by far her biggest. Becky…
After he killed an 11-point buck he’d been watching for about two months, 16-year-old Garrett McCarty, of Rutledge, would say that all good things are worth the wait. This buck would ultimately gross 171 5/8 inches, and once it is officially measured, Garrett could have the No. 5 buck of all-time in Morgan County. It…
November 10 became a day that Valdosta State student Jeff McKinney would never forget when he killed a 17-point, non-typical Worth County buck. With a gross score of 185 4/8 inches, the buck was the biggest deer that Jeff had ever harvested. Amazingly, Jeff missed the buck that morning, before connecting on his afternoon hunt.…
As Saturday approaches, duck hunters across the state are busy preparing boats and decoys for the upcoming early duck season that will take place from Nov. 18-26. Georgia’s WRD waterfowl biologist Greg Balcom was enthusiastic about the upcoming season as a whole. “The numbers of birds we’re seeing right now is a little on the…
In the early 1990s, GON wrote an article profiling the deer hunting in Heard County that was titled “Land of the Giants.” It’s been a while since a true giant buck has been recorded from Heard County, but that changed last week. Michael Selman, 39, took the buck of a lifetime on Nov. 10 at…
Brandon Long, of Cumming, had an afternoon in Forsyth County on Oct. 25 that he’ll never forget. Brandon tagged out on two big bucks with his bow. Brandon arrowed a 9-pointer, and then a few minutes later, he shot a 13-pointer that grosses in the 170s. “I had no idea this deer was on the…