Temperatures in the mid 80s provided for a comfortable dove opener for participants at the annual GONetwork SEEDS Dove Shoot on Claibourne Darden’s farm in Taliaferro County. Nice weather sprinkled with plenty of doves, great food and fellowship and a big pay day for youth hunting programs created a recipe for another great dove-shoot fundraiser. “I’ve…
Hunters and fishermen are some of the best folks on earth. Those who also served our country take that to an even higher level. We may not block the streets with masks and profane signs every time we disagree with something, but when folks are in need, we’ll show up to help. Fletcher Sams,…
Tyler Meeks, 14, of Hawkinsville, won a $3,000 shopping spree after winning GON’s Youth Big-Buck Contest Shoot-Out on July 28 at GON’s Outdoor Blast. In addition, Tyler won a dream deer and hog hunting trip with Woods-N-Water outfitters in Wrightsville. Tyler and his dad will be staying at a remote lodge, will be well fed,…
A typical summer afternoon at the creek quickly turned into a nightmare situation for 12-year-old Cecillia Gonzalez, of Dawsonville, when a rattlesnake bit her on Aug. 12. Cecillia was bitten twice by the timber rattler and spent more than three days in the ICU of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Scottish Rite. “It didn’t rattle…
To say the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out will test the nerves of contestants and the audience is a bit of an understatement. Just ask the wife of one Shoot-Out contestant, who said every time her husband stepped up on the stage for a shot she was so nauseous she thought she was literally going to get sick.…
The reports are good—duck numbers remain high, as they have been for several years in a row now. So Georgia duck hunters may be wondering, when do we get to see high numbers of ducks in the Peach State? The reality is that Georgia isn’t part of a major migration flyway like Arkansas. We’ll never…
GON’s Youth Big-Buck Contest is back, and that means a Browning Trail Camera will be given away every week of deer season, and one youngster will win a grand prize $3,000 shopping spree at Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna. Plus, that grand-prize winner will get to spend a weekend at Woods-N-Water outfitters next hunting season. The…
While earlier reports suggested that the Satilla River had been heavily polluted, the news—at least currently—is much better than first reports. On August 23, at approximately 6 p.m., a sewage spill occurred at a Douglas Wastewater Treatment facility and lasted until approximately 7:30 a.m. the following morning. During this time, approximately 720,000 gallons of raw…
The cost to spend a day at federal recreation areas on the Oconee and Chattahoochee national forests could be going up soon. The U.S. Forest Service is proposing increases to user fees at some Forest Service recreation areas in Georgia, including access to some boat ramps, campgrounds and day-use areas. The proposed price hikes include…
Douglas teen Brice Grantham was named Beretta World Cup Jr. Champion while representing the USA in Budapest, Hungary July 2-10. “I was little when I learned to shoot clays, maybe 7 or 8,” said Brice. “I saw my dad and uncle shooting them, so I wanted to try it, too. When I did, I was…