Gator Attacks Hog
Screven County hunter photographs a natural way to remove hogs off his land.
Brad Gill | November 1, 2017
I’m sure the actual attack was something similar to what you see on The Discovery Channel when a Nile crocodile glides smoothly just under the water toward a slurping gazelle as it enjoys a cool drink in the late-afternoon sun. As the animal drinks the moving river water, an explosion of white water and set of aged, yellow, razor-sharp teeth wrap around the young gazelle’s neck, and in one motion pull it into the water, drowning the victim.
I’m not sure it happened exactly like that, but John Schenck caught the aftermath of something really unique that happened on his Screven County farm.
John, who is from Cocoa Beach, Florida, was up hunting his farm on Oct. 29.
“The morning hunt was over, and I decided to do some scouting on the farm, and that’s when I saw the gator,” said John.

This Screven County gator attacked and ate a wild hog on Oct. 29, and landowner John Schenck caught the aftermath on camera.
John’s property includes a fish pond, one where he’s been having some issues with wild hogs rooting and eroding around banks.
“The hog activity around the lake started about two months ago mainly in the early evenings with the drought we have been in,” said John. “This was something new for our farm. We have an area we use as sort of a sanctuary for the deer and turkey, and the hogs came in and started eating the corn we had put out around the sanctuary.”
As John was out scouting, he saw his resident, 10-foot gator along the bank.
“We call her Greta, and she usually suns daily on the lake bank,” said John.
John noticed something different about the gator on that morning. As John moved in for a closer look, he noticed the gator had a hog in its mouth.
“Greta let me take photos of it sitting there eating the hog,” said John.
Even though John has a resident alligator that enjoys the taste of fresh meat, the good news is that John hasn’t noticed any decline in his deer or turkey populations.
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