The Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) announced the appointment of Thom Litts to assistant director. Litts is a longtime employee of the division, most recently serving as chief of the Fisheries Management Section. “I am thrilled to announce the promotion of fisheries chief, Thom Litts, to Assistant Director of the Wildlife…
Don’t wait until the last minute. You can knock outdoorsmen and women off the list easily with gifts they’ll use and like. If you enjoy the articles and information GON provides in the monthly magazine and online at—not to mention our special efforts like the Georgia Deer Records, Lake & River Records and the…
Some improved fishing spots and structure that will improve habitat for numerous saltwater species were added to St. Catherines Sound in November. Georgia DNR recently coordinated a materials enhancement at Bear River and Van Dyke Creek Inshore Artificial Reefs located at St. Catherines. “At Van Dyke Creek the deployment supplemented 25-year-old metal material that had…
Last Sunday Nov. 15, Brian and Kate McCabe, of the Carriage Ridge subdivision in Harbor Club in Greene County, got to experience firsthand the force of nature during the rut. It was about 1:30 p.m. and the McCabe’s had just finished a birthday party at their house for about 30 people to celebrate the first…
Chris Sagar, of Johns Creek, came across something in the Putnam County woods on Nov. 9 that he felt was of interest to our readers. Those of you who despise a rattlesnake, keep reading. “I was filling a feeder and putting out some Throw & Gro seed mix,” said Chris. “As I was driving out…
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) has issued a draft permit—a final permit will come soon—that would relax testing requirements and discharge restrictions for a textile plant in Screven County with a history of damaging discharges into the Ogeechee River. A 2011 incident at the plant near Dover caused one of the worst fish kills…
With cooler than normal temperatures and hunters apparently getting serious about putting some venison in the freezer, it’s been a productive four weeks of archery season for Georgia deer hunters. In GON’s Truck-Buck contest, hunters started out the season by recording the best first week of bow season in 32 years of the contest. Then…
I can’t say I ever recall getting a photo of a coyote off the ground in hot pursuit of any sort of game animal, but I guess I can scratch that off my list. Kaylee Seabolt, of Dahlonega, reached out to GON through our Instagram account with a trail-camera photo of a coyote chasing a…
As part of its commitment to recruiting new people into hunting and the shooting sports, the Georgia Chapter of Safari Club International (SCI) held its inaugural “Introduction to Hunting Firearms” event on Saturday, Sept. 19. The event was hosted at the Beretta Shooting Grounds by High Adventure Company, a world-class shooting and hunting facility located…
Have you heard about the new “National Park & Preserve” that might run from Macon to Hawkinsville along the Ocmulgee River? If so, you might be concerned because hunting is prohibited in most National Parks—it is only allowed, and tightly controlled and very limited, on 59 of 390 National Parks, normally for one or just…