The second of two scoring events for GON’s Truck-Buck and Youth Big-Buck contests was held in Madison on Saturday, Feb. 27. We measured a record number of racks from youth hunters, 15 and younger, who showed up to have their bucks scored in the hopes of moving on to the GON Youth Big-Buck Shoot-Out. The winner of…
GON subscriber Dewaine Seese, of Eatonton, had an up-close experience with a confused deer last month. Dewaine was driving in rural Hancock County on Highway 77 that connects Highways 15 and 16 when he drove right up a deer standing in the middle of the road. Dewaine believed the deer to be a buck. “That…
Woody Coffee had no concept of the sleeping giant he was about to awaken when he launched his “Woody’s Taxidermy Campfire Talk” message board in 2001. For him, it was a simple way to stay in touch with his customers. Facebook would not come on the scene until 2004, and other than a message board…
To compete for weekly prizes and a spot in the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out, an entrant’s rack must be officially scored during one of two GON scoring events. The final scoring event is this Saturday, Feb. 27 at the GON office in Madison. Last Saturday in Tifton we measured more than 100 racks at the other scoring…
The city of Columbus recently discussed implementing a ban on bowhunting for deer hunting in Columbus and Muscogee County on any tract of land that is less than 10 acres. The issue came up for discussion on Feb. 9, and it’s expected to come up for more discussion on Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 5:30 pm.…
By Jan. 20, there were 624 people who participated in WRD’s public meetings, either through attendance at one of the eight venues around the state, through Facebook Live or by making a comment by email. At press time, there was still time to make comment, and results were still rolling in from WRD online surveys…
An effort to create a National Park along the Ocmulgee River from Macon to Hawkinsville has taken the next step as the National Park Service (NPS) has opened public comment on the proposal. The comment period is part of a Special Resource Study of the Ocmulgee River Corridor being conducted by NPS. The purpose of…
The outdoor and hunting world in Georgia has lost a very special friend. Art Rilling, who owned and operated the Stone Mountain Game Ranch from 1962 to 1982, and later the Yellow River Game Ranch from 1982 to 2012, passed away on Jan. 4, 2021. He was 92. Art was a mentor and inspiration to…
This year’s WRD-hosted Hunting Regulations Public Input Meetings will be hosted in mid January. Those dates and locations are below. These meetings allow hunters to attend and share their thoughts with WRD staff regarding hunting regulations that will be compiled and composed over the next few months and ultimately be our hunting regulations for the…
The Georgia Chapter of Safari Club International (SCI) was proud to host wounded veterans for a deer hunt on Saturday, Dec. 12 in Cedartown. For most of the veterans, this was their first deer hunt. After a warm welcome and introductions, veterans were treated to lunch and then headed for the shooting range where they…