The excitement of having a mature, majestic whitetail buck at close range is hard to describe to those who’ve never experienced it. Want to ramp up that adrenaline rush? Try having a big buck 15 yards away while you’re hunting OTG — on the ground. Hunting on the ground is near and dear to…
We hear all too often how hunter numbers are on the decline. We hear about kids these days who have so many distractions and options for how to spend their time. We hear that hunting doesn’t hold the attraction it once did to youngsters. We’re going to say that’s certainly not the case for the…
Bob is sitting in his boat blind on the local wildlife management area on opening morning of duck season. He is excited about the prospects of shooting some birds. Mallards would be nice, but woodies, or whatever will do. Bob has done his homework … he has scouted over the past few weeks and knows…
It was a nice, cool and c!ear Saturday afternoon on Nov. 2, a perfect day to hunt with my grandpa on his property. The temperature was very nice, in the high 50s. We were in his tree stand overlooking the edge of a food plot about 50 yards away. There was a lot of activity.…
When’s the best time to get in the deer stand? We get that question all the time at GON, usually from hunters wondering about the moon phase, feeding times or what stage the rut is in around their part of the county they hunt. Our typical response? “The best time is any time you can…
A head-turner of a buck was taken from Oconee National Forest on Saturday, Nov. 2 by Tony Jones, of Locust Grove. Although an estimated gross score isn’t known, arguably the most impressive feature of the Jasper County buck is its 22-inch inside spread. “I really appreciate everyone from GON for helping me get this recognized.…
Ever wanted to have your hunting story published? After Shawn Lumsden, of Newnan, killed a Talbot County buck named Zeus on Oct. 27, he wanted to share his story with the GON community — and we love sharing hunt stories! “My emotions are at a peak as I thank God for allowing me the chance…
I was ruminating on the potency of rattlesnake venom and the mortality rates associated with a strike as I stepped carefully through the wiregrass carpeted pine woods near my southwest Georgia home. After having just found a couple of fresh snake sheds, I was making sure to keep a wary eye. It was then the…
Georgia’s 17th alligator season is now in the books, and according to DNR, hunters killed at least 280 gators this season. The numbers aren’t final just yet, but they are pretty close. With the current 280 count, it’s the best season for harvest numbers since 2015, when hunters killed 326 gators. The season was highlighted…