

The Hatton Buck, Georgia’s No. 2 Non-Typical

It was a typical Indian summer day so common to the central Georgia woods in the Monroe County area for mid-fall. The daytime temperatures on Nov. 17, 1973 had been hovering in the mid-70s, nowhere close to the chill of early winter that most hunters hoped to see at this time of year. For John…

Learning To Find & Hunt Deer Pockets

As hunters, we are always searching for the next best spot. We spend hours upon hours of scouting, studying maps and hunting trying to locate that perfect stand location where we will see deer on every sit and hopefully catch that cagey old buck on his feet during legal shooting hours. If you ask around…

A Thinking Trapper Finds Greater Success

I enjoy reading articles about trappers who have found a way or technique that really works for them. Lots of trappers have written books about trapping, some of which cover the basics, while others go into great detail about specific sets or baits to use. Trapping videos are a great way to relax and spend…

Georgia 2019 Duck Season Forecast

If you’ve seen the articles from Ducks Unlimited or Delta Waterfowl, you know overall duck numbers are down this season. The estimated duck population is the lowest it’s been in 12 years and about 5 1/2 percent below the 20-year average. Does that matter for Georgia duck hunters? Not so much. Most Georgia hunters are…

‘Go Time’ In The Georgia Deer Woods

Amazing what a little rain and some cooler temperatures can do. Whether it actually improved the deer movement or not, it certainly improved the spirits of Georgia’s deer hunters. Many hunters, it seemed, had been in a heat-induced malaise that kept them from going to the stand as much this archery season. We’re now hearing…

Georgia Drought, Blessing Or Curse For Deer Hunters?

It’s difficult to even get a handful of Georgia deer hunters to agree on anything, but every deer in the state is in complete agreement that it was a hot and dry summer. During those times, it’s natural that deer hunters want to know how the drought will affect the deer and their hunting seasons.…

Podcast: Georgia Duck Forecast 2019

Georgia waterfowl biologist Greg Balkcom talks about the prospects for the 2019-2020 duck season. Details and info on the mallard and pintail limits that were cut in half this season, plus a look at a WMA opening up to quota waterfowl hunts for the first time. Get After The Latest Episode

Newton County 17-point Buck Grosses 183 inches

Dylan Kirkley, of Covington, has killed a deer that would make any midwestern hunter proud. His Newton County 17-pointer, only the second buck he’s ever killed, grossed 183 inches. “This is the second year we had him on camera,” said Dylan. “He showed back up in July (2019), and then he just disappeared for like…

Fall Fiction: Coon Dog Cemetery Hunting Club Part 4

Long ago they had named the club ‘Coon Dog Cemetery’ to honor the legendary dogs, hounds with names like Run-Around Sue, Ol’ Rip, Kentucky Mike and Wrong-Way Pete. Dogs that had found their final resting place in a small, sacred plot of ground at one end of the property. Over the years, as the deer…

South Carolina To Host Series Of Youth Coon Hunts

Youth raccoon hunts sponsored by the S.C. Coon Hunters Association (SCCHA) and participating regional clubs and chapters will begin in October and continue throughout the fall and winter, culminating with the South Carolina Youth Raccoon Hunting Championship, hosted by the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR). The championship hunt is scheduled for March 7, 2020…

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