

Memories Of Georgia Grouse

My credits for my being a grouse hunter are owed to a great grouse hunter who was the late Arthur (Fats) Truelove, of Gainesville. Many of you reading this story knew Arthur  personally, or you may have known about Arthur’s grouse hunting days.   Arthur Truelove taught me the essentials of grouse hunting, turkey hunting…

Late Season Deer Tips And Tactics

As I compile the reports from our excellent group of GON Hunt Advisors, I have my laptop computer in a deer stand for an evening hunt on Nov. 24. Hey, if you have to work this time of year, might as well do it from the deer stand if you can. We will start with…

December WMA Coastal Deer Hunts

December is without doubt one of my favorite times of the year. What’s not to love about Christmas lights, excited children, Santa Claus and most importantly the celebration of Christ’s birth? It truly is a magical time of year. For deer hunters though, especially those of us on the eastern side of the state, it’s…

Fall Fiction: Coon Dog Cemetery Hunting Club Part 5

Long ago they had named the club ‘Coon Dog Cemetery’ to honor the legendary dogs, hounds with names like Run-Around Sue, Ol’ Rip, Kentucky Mike and Wrong-Way Pete. Dogs that had found their final resting place in a small, sacred plot of ground at one end of the property. Over the years, as the deer…

Turkey Call Makers To Rendezvous Again In North Georgia

Once again, many of the South’s finest and most renowned turkey call makers will rendezvous at the lodge at Unicoi State Park on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 10-11, 2020 for the 5th annual Unicoi Call Makers Show. Hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days, and admission is free. Christmas may be over…

Against All Odds, A Fulton County 165-Inch 12-Point Buck

The Atlanta suburbs strike again. Another bow-buck with a rack so wide and so tall that it just doesn’t seem possible deer get this big, much less in areas where ribbons and patches of woods are a tiny fraction of the landscape, where what little habitat there is gets squeezed and cut off more every…

19-Point, 188-Inch Velvet Freak With A Crossbow

“It’s a good one.” In the understatement of the season, that’s how Philip Holt began the conversation when he got a call from GON about an amazing buck he killed yesterday, Nov. 25, in Houston County. Philip was hunting with a crossbow on a small tract of land in the city limits of Centerville when…

Deer Baiting Side Effect: Scourge Of The Corn Bags

  Raise your hand if this sounds familiar… You pull up to the deer feeder, grab the bag of corn and dump it in, throw the empty bag in the bed of the truck, and then head for home. At the house, you go to grab the trash out of the bed of the truck,…

Teen’s Hand-Written Hunt Story Impresses GON Editors

Abbie Westra downed an impressive Houston County 8-point buck last week, and it was her hand-written story of taking the buck that was also impressive to the editors when her big-buck contest entry cycled through the GON office. The 15-year-old from Warner Robins entered her 8-point Houston County buck the old-fashioned way. Instead of using…

Aidan’s Hunt

Today is Aidan Proctor’s 12th birthday. When he and his twin sister were born at 25 weeks and weighed less than 2 pounds, Aidan wasn’t expect to see his fifth day. “He’s not supposed to be here. Doctors gave him zero percent chance,” said Aidan’s father, Donnie Proctor. The affects of his premature birth on…

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