It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the winter of despair…” …
A bedded newborn fawn lays concealed and motionless when a large coyote appears on the scene. Within moments, the fawn’s mother returns to the spot, the same location where she’s dropped her fawns multiple years in a row. The doe is on high alert. She runs off for several yards, suddenly stopping. The doe’s effort…
Whether it’s a perfect storm of factors, or a result mostly brought on by COVID-19, there’s no telling, but the fact is that WMA turkey hunter participation and public-land turkey harvest is noticeably up when compared to last year’s season opener. “Overall public-land harvest is up 43% compared to last year’s first six days,” said…
By most accounts, there’s been quite a bit of social distancing by means of getting outdoors. Turkey hunters have been busy at it, and based on early reports it was a good opening weekend that followed a good youth weekend. Here are reports from GON’s team of Hunt Advisors across the state. NORTH GEORGIA Cherokee County:…
Get ready archery enthusiasts! A newly renovated archery range at Evans County Public Fishing Area, located near Claxton, has re-opened to the public. It is one of more than 40 archery and shooting ranges currently available on public land in Georgia. The renovation work was extensive and improvements include: New shooting line cover ADA accessible…
By Greg Harvey I found this gobbler to be one of—if not the most challenging—that I have hunted in my 36 years of turkey hunting. He didn’t roost in the same tree, but all of the trees that he roosted in were within a 200-yard-wide circle in a hardwood drain. He didn’t gobble much, but…
It’s official, Miller County has a new whitetail record. Jason Cox, 42, of Colquitt, harvested a massive 10-pointer in December. The rack was recently measured by an official Boone & Crockett scorer and netted 160 1/8 to top the existing record. The long-standing Miller County record was Trey Trawick’s 1994 buck that netted 158 even. Jason…
While the statewide turkey hunting season opens March 21, youth and mobility-impaired hunters utilizing private land have an early chance to harvest a bird during the special opportunity turkey season on March 14-15, 2020, according to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division. This weekend hunt opportunity is available only for youth 16…
It is no secret that I love duck hunting. I love my wife and my two wonderful children, but the love of duck hunting causes a man to do some pretty strange things. When my wife asks me a question, I’ll often answer with a duck call. I threw my shoulder out throwing a decoy…
I looked at my watch, and it said 3:30. It was a Saturday afternoon, and it was time to load up the 4-wheeler, archery gear, video camera and Lone Wolf climber and head to the swamp. I was hunting on some property provided by Trophy Quest Adventures and Millwood Lodge. I would be filming for…