

June Means It’s Time For The Deer Hunter Self Evaluation

June is a usually a month spent in the shade with a cold drink in your hand, maybe fishing for bluegill, with little to no thoughts about deer hunting. However, June can be the perfect month to reflect back at the previous hunting season and make your plans for the upcoming season. It is a great…

4-H Project S.A.F.E. Wrap-Up

It’s safe to say that thousands of coaches, parents and students across this great state have something to do with the 4-H Project S.A.F.E. (Shooting Awareness Fun and Education) program. From the fourth grader in their first year of shooting a bow to the senior in high school who can hit 25 for 25 clay…

Tactics For Taking Coyotes In May And June

When it’s cold, coyotes get hungry. Long about January, blow on a squealing rabbit call, and a coyote won’t waste much time checking out the scene before another predator slides in for the free meal. Or, put a leg-hold trap in the ground and make a dirt-hole set above it. Drop a spoonful of smelly…

The Cherry Wood Gobbler Part 3

“I done tol’ you, Mista Will, that Ad’mral, he ain’t no ordinary turkey bird.” Jonas, Will and Greg were standing in the church parking lot on Sunday afternoon, the day after Will’s extraordinary encounter. Will had contacted Jonas and arranged the meeting, so he could tell about his strange experience. “I agree with you Jonas,…

GON’s Turkey-Nest, Trail-Cam Challenge

A wild turkey hen will typically lay nine to 12 eggs each spring. From 1980 to 1989, the average number of poults-per-hen in Georgia was 4.1. The next decade, from 1990 to 1999, the average poult count was 3.0. The average during the past 10 years was just 1.5 poults per hen. WRD has said…

Strategy For Wise Old Birds—Kill ’Em Softly

A long time ago, while working a bird on the side of a steep hardwood hill, I fell into a rut that took me an entire season to climb out of. This old bird was partial to hard, aggressive hen talk, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. I guess he gobbled 40 or…

The Cherry Wood Gobbler Part 2

Will Starr arrived at the cemetery promptly at 4 p.m. the following Wednesday afternoon just as Jonas had requested. Jonas and several other people were raking leaves and picking up small limbs. “Good to see ya’, Mista Will,” Jonas said with a big smile. “Mista Hardy, he got sump’n for you….” He nodded toward the…

Girl Doubles On Camera During Georgia’s Youth Turkey Season

This past weekend marked the fourth year Georgia has held the “Special Opportunity Season” for turkey. This two-day season gives youth 16 years of age and younger, plus mobility-impaired hunters, the opportunity to get out and hunt the weekend before the statewide Georgia turkey season. I have had the chance to turkey hunt the first three Special…

The Legend Of Charlie Elliott

Legend? Surely; there can be no doubt about that well-earned status. Successful writer and author? Why, a man could plop down in an easy chair and stay lost for days on end in tales of hunting and fishing from over half a century of traipsing up and down a pair of continents. Raconteur and teller…

Tips & Tactics For Public-Land Gobblers

There was a brief moment in my life when I thought I had turkey hunting all figured out. With a few seasons under my belt, I was learning the ropes and getting pretty good at filling my two tags in my home state of Kentucky each spring. Most of those birds were taken on low-pressured…

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