

Change It Up For Public Turkeys

There was a brief moment in my life when I thought I had turkey hunting all figured out. With a few seasons under my belt, I was learning the ropes and getting pretty good at filling my two tags in my home state of Kentucky each spring. Most of those birds were taken on low-pressured…

GON’s 2017 Turkey Special

Turkey season is fast approaching, and I believe there is reason to smile a little wider now than there was at the end of last season. 2016 was a tough season, even brutal for some. It was a challenge to consistently find a gobbling bird and an even tougher task to bring one home. That…

Tick Bite Causes Human Allergic Reaction When Eating Red Meat

While you enjoy your springtime pursuit for a gobbler, you may be joined by a small critter that will try and hang around for a while. The lone star tick is the most common tick in the Southeast, and it’s the only tick in the United States to carry the tick-bite-induced red meat allergy. All…

2017 Georgia WMA Turkey Hunting Special

On paper, WMA turkey harvest numbers took a nosedive during the 2016 spring gobbler season. However, in reality, news of the lowest-recorded WMA hunter-success rate (5.3 percent) in the last 12 years may not be so bleak. “We expect WMA hunter success to go down some because of the overall declining trends we’ve seen in…

Top-3 WMAs For February Wild Hog Hunting

February is without a doubt a depressing month for hunters. Deer season is over, and turkey season still seems decades away. Now before you spend the entire month glued to your favorite chair watching re-runs on the Outdoor Channel and eating Cheetos, have you considered topping that ol’ deep freezer off with some delicious pork?…

GON’s Quail Special

Crisp, bitingly cold January air greets you as you step into the field. The tinkle and chime of bells on the dogs’ collars ring as the pointers leap from the dog boxes, whining, eager to hunt. Shotgun shells slip into break-actions and autoloaders, and the quail hunt is under way. The pair of pointers surge…

160-Inch Buck And An Engagement

Want to have a good year? Finish strong! Kayla Stephens, of Fort Gaines, ended her 2016 with an engagement and a big buck from Quitman County that green-scored 161 3/8 inches. On Dec. 31, Kayla decided to go hunt for a bit while waiting to go to breakfast with her grandparents at 8:30. This decision for a…

Let The Rabbit Dogs Run

As a young man growing up in North Carolina in the mid 1950s, Bill Bethune liked quail hunting, but the birds always flew up in flurry, were fast on the getaway and were hard to hit with a load of birdshot. Then one day his family dog flushed a cottontail and the rabbit bounded away,…

Georgia Quail Hunting With Tunnel Hill’s Triple S

My uncle once said there was nothing better than watching a bird dog do what God intended it to do. Watching the dogs at Triple S Quail Farm and Hunting Preserve was a perfect example of exactly what he meant. Triple S is a family owned and operated farm that not only raises quail and…

10 Bears Taken During 2016 Middle Georgia One-Day Hunt

As Dr. Albert Warren was sitting in his deer stand on Dec. 10, he was taking a rare opportunity to bear hunt, even though he had never seen a bear from his stand in south Houston County. But other hunters had seen bears on the club. Then a little after sunrise, he noticed what looked…

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