Sitting on a dove field in early September waiting on the first doves to fly in has a certain appeal to it, despite boiling hot Georgia temperatures. Dove hunting, one of Georgia’s greatest hunting traditions, kicks off on Saturday, Sept. 2. With it, fields that were prepared in the spring will be filled with hunters…
By John Seginak and Brandon Adams The big doe and her two fawns were bedded in a thick privet patch on the very edge of a large beaver swamp. A thunderstorm had rolled through earlier, and now at sunset the heat and humidity were almost unbearable. It was early September, 2010, and if the damp,…
For the first time in Georgia’s rich hunting history, a competition is being held to encourage licensed hunters to carry someone new to the woods. We are excited to roll out the inaugural “Georgia Mentor Competition” this year. The competition will run Aug. 15, 2017—May 15, 2018, and we will be selecting and awarding prizes…
Personally and professionally I have taken people of all ages hunting. However, one of my most rewarding experiences was when I was mentoring an adult from an urbanized background in our Field to Fork program last year. Evan Stout, an undergraduate student at the University of Georgia, and I were 20 feet up a cedar…
For four summers now, GON has organized a Coyote Cull effort to provide an incentive for hunters and trappers to get after coyotes during the time of year when fawns are dropping and hen turkeys are trying to nest and raise a brood of poults. The Coyote Cull is not just about numbers, although this…
After deer season was over this year, I waited a couple of weeks and decided it was time to put out two feeders and some mineral licks for the deer. I was careful to tuck them away in the swampy cane thickets, far away from where they’d interfere with any turkey hunters. The only issue…
For the third consecutive season, most Georgia counties will experience at least a few days of deer season when only bucks are legal to shoot during firearms season. Make sure to check the date and the regulations prior to pulling the trigger on an antlerless deer. The return to having dates that are buck-only was…
Since September 2015, DNR has purchased 32,000 acres, and all those properties are included in the WMA system and will be open for hunting this fall. While some of these tracts had been leased for hunting for years and are now being purchased, other properties are brand-new hunting tracts. The ticket price for the new…
If seeing the amazing racks that will be on display at this year’s Outdoor Blast doesn’t get you fired up for deer season, you might want to trade in your camo for a golf shirt—or check for a pulse. Just announced is that the Buck Ashe mount will be on display at the 2017 Outdoor Blast.…
Hunters and deer managers face a new reality in the Southern woods. In case you haven’t heard—maybe you’re a new reader of GON—coyotes are here and having a significant impact on deer populations on some pieces of property. It’s a story we’ve been researching and telling for years. Just how dramatic an impact coyotes could…