

160-Inch Buck And An Engagement

Want to have a good year? Finish strong! Kayla Stephens, of Fort Gaines, ended her 2016 with an engagement and a big buck from Quitman County that green-scored 161 3/8 inches. On Dec. 31, Kayla decided to go hunt for a bit while waiting to go to breakfast with her grandparents at 8:30. This decision for a…

Let The Rabbit Dogs Run

As a young man growing up in North Carolina in the mid 1950s, Bill Bethune liked quail hunting, but the birds always flew up in flurry, were fast on the getaway and were hard to hit with a load of birdshot. Then one day his family dog flushed a cottontail and the rabbit bounded away,…

Georgia Quail Hunting With Tunnel Hill’s Triple S

My uncle once said there was nothing better than watching a bird dog do what God intended it to do. Watching the dogs at Triple S Quail Farm and Hunting Preserve was a perfect example of exactly what he meant. Triple S is a family owned and operated farm that not only raises quail and…

10 Bears Taken During 2016 Middle Georgia One-Day Hunt

As Dr. Albert Warren was sitting in his deer stand on Dec. 10, he was taking a rare opportunity to bear hunt, even though he had never seen a bear from his stand in south Houston County. But other hunters had seen bears on the club. Then a little after sunrise, he noticed what looked…

2016-17 Georgia Deer Season Wrap-Up

It was sure different in the Georgia deer woods this season—extreme drought and very warm temperatures changed the game for many hunters. The lack of rain was a big factor, with deer-movement patterns altered simply because deer had to be near a water source and because food plots were non-existent. Another big change was the…

New Year’s Resolutions For Deer Hunters

By the time most of you read this, Georgia’s 2016-2017 deer season will be winding down, and we’ll have turned the calendar page on another year. Hopefully your season provided lots of great memories and a freezer full of venison. However, if your season—like mine—was less than stellar, take heart. It’s a brand new year…

Wood Ducks Key For Georgia Waterfowlers

In his book, “Life Among the Apaches,” John C. Cremony describes an interesting method used by Apache hunters to take ducks found in water holes across the Southwest. These native hunters would find where ducks were coming to water and throw gourds into the water. After a bit of an adjustment period, the ducks became…

Record-Class Bear From South Georgia

It had been a long summer for Leta Carter. The 30-year-old south Georgia mother of three from Folkston was as excited as one of her children awaiting Christmas. “I thought about it all summer and had been counting down the days. I almost couldn’t wait to get the opportunity to kill my first bear,” Leta…

A Year For Big Racks

The calls just keep coming in at the GON office this deer season—another giant buck from another Georgia county. We’ve seen top-end bucks killed from one end of the state to the other.  Official scores can’t been done for 60 days after a buck is killed, so we haven’t even begun to compile all of…

Crockett Creek Confessions, Quest For The Phantom Conclusion

The rut was over. There was still more than a month left in the season, but it was winding down. From here on out, hunting would be hard. Was The Phantom still alive? Had the buck fallen to Zane Westerfield? And now, the conclusion of “Dream Season.”   Sunday, Nov. 27 At first look, it…

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