
Fishing Reports

West Point Lake Fishing Report – January 2019

West Point: Level: 7.1 feet below full pool. Temp: Low 50s. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Fair. Guide Keith Hudson reports, “Fishing has been a bit of a roller coaster so far this fall and winter. Up and down water temps, up and down lake levels, clear to muddy water, wind or no wind,  generating and not generating—all…

Lake Weiss Fishing Report – January 2019

Weiss: Level: 3.3 feet below full pool. Temp: Upper 40s. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Guide and tournament angler Capt. Mike Carter reports, “Weiss Lake should be working its way down to its winter pool level, but with all of the recent rains we’ve had, it will go down a couple of feet then back up again. With these…

Lake Sinclair Fishing Report January 2019

Sinclair: Level: 1.6 feet low. Temp: Mid 50s. Clarity: Muddy all the way from the river past Little River Marina and stained to the dam. Bass: Tournament angler Mark Denney Jr. reports, “Fishing in January can be great during the winter months. As water temperatures reach their yearly lows, it is critical to match your lure and presentation to…

Lake Seminole Fishing Report January 2019

Seminole: Level: 2.2 feet above full. Temp: 56 degrees. Clarity: Muddy with fast current. Bass: Tournament angler Matt Baty reports, “All areas around Lake Seminole have received several inches of rain through the month of December. This has the fish a little tougher to catch than normal. However, when you find a school of fish, you can catch good…

Georgia Saltwater Fishing Report – January 2019

Saltwater: Inshore: Capt. David Newlin reports, “January is the toughest month of the year to catch fish in coastal Georgia. Trout are deeper and slower in the cold water. Fish a jig deep and slow just off the bottom. A Gulp! Swimming Mullet in green with a red jig head works for me. Most of the redfish…

Lake Russell Fishing Report – January 2019

Russell: Level: Full pool. Temp: Low 50s. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Tournament angler Kerry Partain reports, “The bass fishing is still pretty good, but the water is stained in a lot of areas, so that is hurting the fishing some. Most of the fish we have been catching are 20 to 30 feet deep around rocks and timber. The baitfish are…

Lake Oconee Fishing Report – January 2019

Oconee: Level: Full pool. Temp: Upper 40s to low 50s. Clarity: Most of the lake has a heavy stain, except for Richland Creek. Bass: Tournament angler Karl Pingry reports, “A recent ABA tournament had 27 boats, and  14  pounds won, but 11 boaters did not weigh in. Most of the lake is muddy from the rivers almost to the dam.…

Lake Nottely Fishing Report – January 2019

Nottely: Level: 13.7 feet low. Temp: Mid 50s. Clarity: River and creeks are stained. Linesides: Guide Jeremy Seabolt reports, “Fishing has been good. We have been catching fish all kinds of ways. Shad and large herring on freelines have been working good for the first three to four hours of light. Then we have been pulling u-rigs and downlining herring over…

Lake Lanier Fishing Report – January 2019

Lanier: Level: 6 inches under full pool. Temp: 53 degrees. Clarity: There are a few areas of cloudy water in the mid-lake area, but overall it’s pretty clear. Spotted Bass: Guide and tournament angler Ryan Coleman reports, “Fishing has been pretty good out there for spotted bass. There are plenty of fish out deep right now, as you may expect for winter…

Lake Jackson Fishing Report – January 2019

Jackson: Level: Full. Temp: 45-50 degrees. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Tournament angler Brian Lee reports, “The winter drawdown has come and gone. The lake was fishing like it use to when the lake was low and muddy. January can be very productive, but it can also be very tough. Cranking shallow water is generally the ideal pattern for this month, but it…

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