

Spy-Cam March 2019

Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Print images can be mailed to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650.  

Scrapbook – March 2019

Send photographs to [email protected] or 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county and date.                                        

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – February 2019

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Gwinnett County: On Nov. 23, 2017, Cpl. Eddie Tompkins and Ranger Chris Hall arrived at Harbins Park and observed a parked black…

Scrapbook – February 2019

Send photographs to: [email protected] and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county and date.                                

Late Season Deer Hunting Success

When the calendar flips to January, is it the close of a deer season or the beginning of a new year of hunting? No matter which way you look at it, January still holds some opportunity to fill your freezer or to donate to a friend in need or a worthy cause. To succeed, you…

Paulding High Schoolers Build Wood Duck Boxes

By Sylvia Small Members of the North Paulding High School Fly Fishing & Cold Water Conservation Club and Rodney Tumlin’s AP Environmental Science classes worked together on an “Ecosystem Restoration Project.” Last year, the school’s Construction Classes acquired the lumber and cut the pieces for the wood duck nest boxes. Members of the Fly Fishing…

Realtree Kids – February 2019

Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].      

Spy-Cam – February 2019

Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.          

Playing It By Ear

Picture a knitting needle. No clue? So stroll over to grandma’s and she’ll show you. Or look it up on your phone. Should you be participating in a recliner sprawl or reading room experience, just think  No. 2 pencil made out of steel with a backward-reaching hook on one end. Got it? Good. Now you…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – February 2019

Gwinnett County: On Nov. 23, 2017, Cpl. Eddie Tompkins and Ranger Chris Hall arrived at Harbins Park and observed a parked black GMC pickup truck. “I observed a game cart used for hauling harvested wildlife in the bed of the vehicle,” wrote Cpl. Tompkins in the incident report. “Within the vehicle in plain view through…

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