Scrapbook – August 2019
Reader Contributed | July 29, 2019
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Derick Shore, of Concord, with the Upson County 10-pointer he killed on Nov. 11 on a 1-acre food plot.

Here’s a great bow-buck from Houston County, taken by Scott Westmoreland, of Perry. Scott rattled the 8-pointer in while bowhunting on Nov. 10.

Kelli Pate, of Franklin, was hunting in Carroll County when she killed this 7-pointer, her best buck to date.

Deer were moving as a cold front was coming through on Nov. 10. Joey Ramion, of Acworth, had already passed up some bucks in south Fulton County. Then this 190-lb. 9-pointer walked straight in.

Jeremy Judy, of Loganville, didn’t see a thing on a windy morning, but he stuck it out. At 10:45 a.m. this Walton County 10-point stepped out.

Brian Anderson, of Griffin, was hunting in Talbot County last Nov. 2 when this 9-point buck showed up at 6:30 p.m.

Very nice Barrow County 10-point buck, killed by Blake Hardigree, of Winder, at 8:15 a.m. on Nov. 7. The buck and a smaller one responded grunting after Blake used a Primos can call.

Trent Thiel shot this Wilkinson County gobbler that was called up by his dad, Troy. The bird had 1 1/8-inch spurs and a 10-inch beard.

This huge bear weighed 486 pounds field-dressed. Eddie Rogers shot the bruin during the opening weekend of gun season while hunting in Pickens County.

Take the kids fishing—our kind of Father’s Day! GON member Nick Atkinson, of Dublin, took Steeley and McCoy fishing that special weekend. They caught a mess of catfish for dinner.

Congrats to Brandy Johnson, of Thomaston, on her first deer! Brandy shot this 10-pointer in Talbot County.

Congrats to Justin Naff on his first bow-buck, and it was a good one! Justin arrowed this 7-pointer in Upson County last Nov. 22.

Bibb County produced this big 8-point buck last season for Jason Gifford, of Forsyth. Jason was hunting a ground blind on a powerline.