

Realtree Kids: September 2022

Realtree Kids: August 2022

Hunter Education

Although many hunters enjoy the small game season, there’s a large chunk who really enjoy our big game season. They practically count the days from the close in January until the opening in September. Georgia is such a great state to reside in, and we sure get a lot of new folks coming in from…

Thomas County Boy Kills Gobbler With 14-inch Beard

By Scott Barwick Twelve-year-old Blake asked his mom Heidi, “Mrs. Susan and Mr. Scott are kind of like family now, right?” She smiled after thinking about it and agreed with a yes. Susan and Heidi became friends when their places of employments were right next to each other and later they became business partners. They own…

Cherokee County Bow Buck Provides Travis Jackson With Rare Second Chance

By Travis Jackson I had been watching a buck for the past two years, having him pop up on camera on several properties where I hunt that are all relatively close to one other. I never had him show up consistently until the summer of 2020 when he started to be a frequent visitor to…

Spy Cam – August 2022

Email pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.          

Students Poach Deer And Dump It At High School

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED.  Harris County: On Jan. 10, 2021, Game Warden Gregory Castelli received a complaint that…

Canine Conundrum

Once in a great while I find my head being turned “not once but twice,” as the old Irish saying goes. Unlike the Irish, what turns my head is almost always a dog. Since my massive ol’ pal Tramp went west, I’ve shied away from what can quickly turn into painful entanglement. Look once… then…

Letters To The Editor: August 2022

Jekyll Island Diamondbacks Changed My Perspective Dear GON, I  read the article in the GON June issue about the Eastern diamondback survey on Jekyll Island. I was really fascinated with the information. What surprised me most was the eating habits of the snakes. I have always thought snakes would eat anytime they got the opportunity.…

Scrapbook – August 2022

Send photographs to [email protected], and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details for a caption.     No hindsight ip unit displayed.                                

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