

Realtree Kids: July 2022

Hart County WMA Buck Turns Bad Season Into Greatest Season Ever

By Ritch Keener  We can certainly say that 2020 was anything but normal. COVID-19 impacted almost every facet of life, and public-land hunting was no exception. I noticed that Hart County WMA saw a large increase in hunters and hunting pressure during the archery, primitive weapons and gun seasons. I hunted the WMA hard during all…

Retreat On The River

One of my uncles—oh, brother!—just happened to be in the yard when the feller pulled up. Seeking my whereabouts.. “Uh, I’m thanking he’s on the river.” “You wouldn’t happen to know just where, would you?” “Likely sommers between Milledgeville and Jesup.” “Well, that narrows it down.” No response, other than deadpan gaze. “Reckon he’s got…

Letters To The Editor: July 2022

Pre She Ate Cha For The Coyote Cull Entry Help Dear GON, Special thanks to Mr. Keith Swinford, of Cohutta, for letting me borrow his GON magazine to take my Coyote Cull entry picture with. Folks don’t forget to renew your subscription or you’ll be trying to find a GON issue that can be really…

Tournament Reports: July 2022

    Free Tournament Promo At Are you missing out on free promotion and an opportunity to grow your tournament trail?  Let GON promote your tournament results at for no cost to you. We want the online eyeballs, but it’s a win-win because it gives you recognition for your trail. Kind of a…

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

I was reading an article the other day that absolutely depressed me. Back in the late 1940s, the Zero Hour Bomb Company made explosives to start oil flowing on the oil rigs of Oklahoma. Their patents were expiring and they needed to diversify in order to stay in business. Along came an inventor who offered…

It’s Tune Up Bow Time

The smoke of Fourth of July fireworks and cookouts may be behind you as you read this. With that, the calendar in many hunter’s minds will have kicked into thoughts of Saturday, Sept. 10. That’s the date of the deer season opener for archery, just one week after the opening day of our dove season. …

Briefly Outdoor News – July 2022

Chatuge Bass Bites Off More Than It Can Chew Something went bad wrong with these two Lake Chatuge bass. Kerry Browning, a media name many will recognize from 30 years at WSB and 10 years at Atlanta’s WXIA before retiring, sent us the picture. He found the dead bass floating next to his dock on…

Scrapbook – July 2022

Send photographs to [email protected]. Please provide caption information including name, hometown, county, date and details of the catch or harvest.                                  

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – July 2022

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED.  Tattnall County: At about 8 a.m. on Sunday morning, Sept. 5, 2021 Ranger Jordan…

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