A Giant Connection
On The Shoulders Of Giants With Andrew Curtis
Andrew Curtis | January 13, 2023

The author received this hunting cap from a giant in his life.
Taking my hat off, I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I stood with my boot on the old gobbler’s neck… another amazing hunt in the cool, beautiful spring woods. I glanced down at the inside of the camouflage hat bill and read the words: From Dr. Williams. This was my lucky hat, given to me by one of my life’s “giants.” It seemed that Dr. Williams usually accompanied me to the woods, though he had passed away over a decade before.
I thought to send a message to his son, Cam, just to let him know that I was thinking about his dad while I celebrated my hunting success. The response I got from Cam was one of genuine appreciation. I guess he never understood the deep impact his dad had on me. Dr. Williams had played a special role in mentoring me when I was fresh out of veterinary school, a time when I was feeling like I did not know a thing. Dr. Williams and I had instantly connected through our love of the outdoors, especially turkey hunting.
Cam was a senior in high school when his father passed away unexpectedly from what should have been a fairly routine surgery. Although this boy had many outstanding mentors still in his life, Cam had to find a way to fight through the depressing pain. He found solace in the woods. He found God in the woods. And he found his Dad in the woods. Since then, he has always felt his Dad with him in everything he has done, but especially in the woods.
Through the years, I have admired how Cam has so strongly handled losing someone that important to him, and I know without a doubt that his dad is looking down on him with a proud smile. Cam has turned into a fine man. Little does Cam realize now, but he is becoming a legend in his own right in the outdoor world, just like his dad was. Recently, Cam graced the cover of GON with his monster bow-kill buck, a set of antlers that I can only dream about. His humble smile in the picture tells the story… he did not accomplish this alone. He will even tell you that. His best hunting buddy was with him… his dad is always with him and shows himself to Cam, whether it be “in a red bird on a fence or in an eagle soaring over the lake.”
For Christmas this year, Cam received a special gift from his mom. The gift included something I had written about his dad and the positive impact he had on my life. Let me tell you that when I wrote that piece, I never gave much thought to how much it would actually affect Cam, but on Christmas Day I got a text from Cam. He thanked me for saying the kind words about his dad and went on to tell me why the gift was so meaningful to him.
“I always look for my Old Man, but he found me today.”
I realized that this was a gift meant for me, too. It opened my eyes just a little bit wider toward the awesomeness of the wonderful world of hunting and fishing. This all started with a love for the outdoors. The outdoors is why Dr. Williams and I became close. The outdoors is why Cam and I connect so well. The outdoors is why I am friends with so many people.
Cam and I will always be connected now. We have a common bond and a “Giant” who will forever be a part of our lives. Cam said that he hopes we can share a tree in the turkey woods someday. Absolutely, buddy. But you better make a little room. I know your Old Man will find us there…

Cam Williams made the August 2022 cover of GON with this 179-inch Worth County buck.