See all of GON’s Official Georgia Lake & River Records Requirements For Record Fish • Fish must be caught legally by rod and reel in a manner consistent with state game and fish regulations. • Catch must be weighed on accurate Georgia DOA certified scales with at least two witnesses present, who must be…
The Chattooga River downstream of Burrells Ford has produced a second South Carolina state record brook trout in less than a year for the same angler. Wes Coker, of Gray Court, S.C., caught a 2-lb., 14.56-oz. brookie on March 25, 2010. He broke that record on Dec. 23, 2010, with a 4-lb., 10-oz. fish measuring…
It’s usually good news when fewer proposed laws and law changes are introduced during a Georgia legislative session. So far this year it’s been a quiet session as budget concerns have dominated the scene. However, for hunters, a significant piece of legislation has dropped. HB 277 would legalize hunting deer and hogs near food or…
William Hornsby caught a 1-lb., 2.4-oz. bluegill to set a benchmark for establishing a verified lake record for bluegill on Lake Seminole on Feb. 27, 2011.
They have spent the winter in Lake Weiss feasting on baitfish in preparation for their spring migration. Subtle cues in daylight, river in-flow and water temperature have drawn them in mass from their main-lake wintering grounds to the flowing waters of the lake’s main tributary — the Coosa River. They move with purpose out…
The Wildlife Resources Division (WRD) is again being asked by the Governor’s office to reduce its budget. Fewer personnel — law-enforcement officers, game and fish biologists and technicians — would have to do their jobs with less funding. Budget cuts could also mean fewer acres of leased Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). Budget cuts for state…
West Point: Level: 4.9 feet below full pool. Temp: Low 50s. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Good. Chris Bell reports, “With recent warmer daytime temperatures, fish pulled up a little following bait seeking warmer temperatures. I have been covering as much water as possible throwing small shallow-running crankbaits in a shad pattern. With the clearing water, fish…
Weiss: Level: 3.3 feet below full pool. Temp: Low High 40s. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Fair. “Very few largemouths are being caught,” said guide Mark Collins. “A few fish are starting to show up on secondary points. Little River is still producing some good spotted bass fishing in the upper part on the old river ledges…
Sinclair: Level: Full pool. Temp: High 50s. Clarity: Light stain. Bass: Fair. Aaron Batson reports, “I wouldn’t normally say this, but I fully expect a spawn by late March. Look for these fish on seawalls and grassbeds. A good bet would be a junebug, 5-inch Senko or lizard. Dip the bait in JJ’s Magic for…