Fishing For Freedom Event Honors Wounded Warriors And Families
Reader Contributed | October 1, 2011

Top angling honors went to this soldier for his trophy largemouth that tipped the scales at more than 6 pounds.
By Steve Schneider
On the eve of the 10-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, more than 50 active duty servicemen, veterans and children of soldiers killed in action were honored by FCA Outdoors at a Fishing for Freedom outing on Lake Ramona in Paulding County.
Sunny skies and cool temperatures greeted the soldiers and their families who received rods and reels, tackle boxes and gear, and guided bass-fishing outings throughout the day. Nearly 300 guests and volunteers attended a service honoring our veterans, an experience especially meaningful for the 12 “Gold Star” families present whose loved ones gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Tim Eason, FCA Outdoors director, welcomes military members and their families to Lake Ramona during the dedication service.
“I wanted to make sure we recognized servicemen and also the incredible sacrifice of their families,” explained Carlis Baker, event organizer and a 16-year Navy veteran. Following lunch and a flag ceremony featuring a flag that was flown over Afghanistan, a chapel service was held before fishing resumed.
Carlis and Tim Eason, FCA Outdoors director, are planning their next Fishing for Freedom event scheduled for March 31, 2012.
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