Fishing Reports
Allatoona: Level: 1.1 feet below full pool. Temp: 58-61 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Excellent. “Allatoona is on fire! Bass fishing doesn’t get any better than the month of April when 30-plus fish days are not uncommon,” said Matt Driver. “The largemouths started to show signs of the spawn in late March, and the spotted bass…
Editor’s Note: Austin Daman, 10, of Talking Rock, won a SEEDS dream deer hunt with landowner Kyle Brown on his farm in Wilkes County. Below is the hunt story told by Austin’s father, Paul. First let me start by saying that Kyle Brown is one of the most generous and kind human beings I’ve ever…
In a case that has raised the ire of area hunters, five people accused of numerous wildlife violations involving spotlighting deer and poaching turkeys in Dodge County were sentenced Feb. 28 after pleading guilty to all charges against them. Two remaining defendants in the case, who entered not-guilty pleas, are scheduled for a June trial.…
Few lakes in Georgia drew as much attention from trophy-bass hunters in the late 1990s as Lake Varner. The reason was very simple — the place was routinely producing huge fish, including the lake record at 15-lbs., 13-ozs. A decade later, it remains one of the premier destinations in the state if you want…
Lake Weiss has long been revered by anglers across the Southeast for some of the best crappie fishing in the region. This reputation is due to both the numbers and quality of fish in the lake. In April, when the fish have moved up on the banks and are spawning, anglers can experience some…
Most all turkey hunters have considered using decoys at some point. At times, having a decoy can be just what the turkey-doctor ordered to finish luring that longbeard to his death. Other times, it can work just the opposite and ruin what would have been a good setup. There is no cut-and-dried answer to…
In choosing to be a hunter, it’s really important that you understand some of the basic concepts of wildlife management. What is wildlife management, and why do we need hunting regulations? Wildlife management is often said to be the attempt to balance between the needs of wildlife and the needs of the people. As…
Included in WRD’s proposed regulations changes, and open for public comment during meetings in April, are WMA user fees for non-sportsmen as well as significant changes to bear regulations, doe days in some northern counties, Northern Zone raccoon regulations and expanded hog hunting on public lands. Also, there are some new state park and WMA…
The Georgia House of Representatives voted 122 to 48 to pass HB 277, the “Baiting Bill,” which would make it legal in the Southern Zone to hunt deer and hogs with no distance requirement from feeders or food like corn spread on the ground. From its original version that would have legalized baiting for deer…
Sportsmen interested in potential big changes to the face of Georgia hunting should turn their attention to Georgia lawmakers currently in session at the Gold Dome in Atlanta. The “Baiting Bill” will likely be voted on Wednesday. For deer hunters it now only legalizes baiting in the Southern Zone. “Speak now, or forever hold your…