If ever you wanted to learn how to fool a seatrout or redfish with a hunk of plastic or other man-made substance, fall is the time to do it. Hoards of hungry fish are prowling our marshes, fattening up on crustaceans and baitfish in anticipation of the coming winter. Capt. Andy Gowen, of St. Marys,…
If you’ve never duck hunted in the coastal marshes of Altamaha WMA Waterfowl Management Area, where you’ve got a better-than-average chance to fill your limit with a variety of different duck species, you have been missing out. Last year’s Altamaha WMA duck hunters on Butler Island had the best season ever, according to records that…
Lake Jackson is widely known throughout the state as a very good wintertime fishery. With multiple double-digit-class largemouths caught in the cooler months, Georgia anglers may lose sight of the great bass fishing Lake Jackson offers in other seasons of the year. As the water temperature begins to fall in October and the shad embark…
Dan Cisson caught this 28-lb., 0.8-oz. lake-record striped bass on Lake Yonah on Sep. 19, 2012. Dan is well-known in northeast Georgia for catching big largemouth, especially his knack for rolling huge bass from private ponds. Dan is also good at lineside fishing on large and small reservoirs.
The U.S. Secretary of Commerce has approved a request by NOAA Fisheries to allow limited harvest of red snapper in the federal waters of the South Atlantic. Anglers can harvest red snapper September 14 through 16 and again on September 21 through 23. Each angler is allowed one red snapper per day with no size…
Long before daylight on the opening day of archery deer season, Hamp stood alone at the edge of the camp. Overhead a million stars twinkled and blazed in a black, moonless sky. The air was stone still, and for mid September, cool. Radar, the border collie, stood beside him, looking up quizzically, wagging his tail.…
It was a cold October morning and shortly after 8 o’clock when my mind began to drift. I had been sitting motionless for several hours and hadn’t even seen a bird or a squirrel. The boredom of monotony grabbed me, and I checked my cell phone for messages. Since I had my phone out, I…
Record numbers of ducks are to the north of us, and duck hunters may see a lot of birds this year based on population estimates from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Also, the limit on scaup has increased from two to four because of those estimates. It was a banner year for breeding duck…
West Point: Level: 7.8 feet low. Temp: High 80s. Clarity: Stained. Bass: Poor. Chris Bell reports, “Fish continue to be scattered. Water temperatures have come down improving the bite somewhat. This week with the recent cloud cover there has been a shallow topwater bite throughout the day. Using buzzbaits in a shad pattern and covering…
Weiss: Level: 0.4 feet low. Temp: 78-82 degrees. Clarity: Clear to stained. Bass: Good, according to guide and tournament pro Warren Barnes. “The bass on Weiss are in a early fall mode right now, and the fish are starting to group up, and a variety of patterns are working all over the lake. The early…