For years, I was guilty of grinding my deer necks into hamburger meat and, shamefully, even tossing some into the trash. I finally learned they could be made delicious and tender in the smoker. I like to smoke mine with cherry wood. 1 5-lb. venison neck 1 quart beef broth Montreal Steak Seasoning 3 carrots,…
There’s nothing better than spending time in the woods to learn the feeding, movement and rut patterns for your local deer. The next best thing is a team of experienced hunters spread out across the state who know their deer hunting and are willing to share what they’re seeing. Here are the reports from…
Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…
Lawton Pearson was tired from a long day of dove hunting and the wind wasn’t right, so when his son Cort said they still had time to go deer hunting, his dad tried to talk him out of the spur-of-the-moment trip. The 12-year-old from Fort Valley will always be thankful that his dad reluctantly…
Would you like to learn a cost-effective way to create a food plot that will last more than a year? Have you ever sat in the deer stand and wondered what made the deer eat acorns from one tree and not another? By collecting those preferred acorns, you can create a food source that will…
If you’ve never headed to the mountains to fish Blue Ridge, the scenery this month is well worth the trip. The fishing is great, too. Fish the herring migration pattern this month at Blue Ridge, and you’ll catch big spotted bass, and throw in some largemouth and maybe a smallmouth. Herring imitations fished on rocky…
There are memories so clear, so vivid, it’s like I’m right there once again. The outdoors can do that. I think that’s part of the reason why some people get so caught up in hunting and fishing that it becomes a major part of their lives—a primary part. Someone who has spent time hunting and…
Amie Jones, 18, of Sylvester, unknowingly took down a famous Worth County buck nicknamed “The Traveler” by those around their hunting area. On the morning of Oct. 22, Amie made it to her homemade box blind in the middle of a pine stand just before daylight. “All last year we saw this deer on our…
Lanier: Level: Full pool. Temp: 71-74 degrees. Clarity: Turnover is in varied stages throughout the lake, and water clarities are clear to weak coffee colored, depending on how hard the turnover is in the area you are at. Bass: Guide Jimbo Mathley, of Jimbo’s Spotted Bass Guide Service, reports, “Many anglers make the common mistake of…
Allatoona: Level: 3.9 feet low. Temp: 69-71 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Tournament angler Matt Driver reports, “Fishing continues to be good in the month of November. Shad are on the move, and we are seeing huge pods of them migrating into the creeks. Water temperatures begin the month in the high 60s to low 70s…