Outdoor Gear
Hunting the eastern coyote can be quite challenging. Since they are mostly nocturnal, one advantage is to target them at night. Utilizing lights can be very successful when done correctly. When hunting for coyotes at night, some hunters just use their bright red gun light to scan for eyes. However, a light that is made…
By Dan Chapman, public affairs specialistNovember 5, 2021 Townsend, Georgia – The virus spread through cities large and small, overwhelming hospitals, shuttering businesses and killing thousands. It originated, supposedly, overseas and quickly jumped from country to country. Not until the federal government imposed mandatory quarantines and jump-started the search for a cure did the pandemic…
This time we took Champ out in Rutledge, GA for a solo run and got up close and personal with a big mean sow. Champ is considered a rough bay dog, which means he will bay by himself until another dog gets there, and then will help catch. In this instance, I was the other…
A few weeks ago we finished up our very last issue of Alabama Outdoor News—GON‘s sister publication for 15 years. For that decade and a half, our staff in Madison worked with a number of folks in Alabama to produce those pages. So what am I going to miss about AON? Simple. The people. My favorite…
There is accomplishment and satisfaction enough in just taking a mature buck. Doing so on public land? Now that’s another level of high-five in the deer woods. Georgia offers some very good deer hunting on public lands, from state-managed Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) to federal lands like national forests and national wildlife refuges. Here’s a…
One could say CUGA® Vest was born out of necessity. We can confidently say it was born out of a love for dogs. The CUGA Vest – Standard is a durable, highly visible protective vest made from Cordura brand fabric is lighter and more breathable than neoprene. It offers protection through the breast and underbelly…
By Lanier Clegg, Junior Public Affairs Specialist – U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Statesboro, Ga. — The campus at Georgia Southern University looks like just about any other place where young people gather to enhance their knowledge of the world and themselves. It has a library, administration building, dorms and a shooting range. Hold it.…
Direct from the leading U.S. firearms importer EAA, comes the readily available MC312 Goose semi-auto, 12-GA, just in time for the upcoming waterfowl season. Available in 2.75”, 3” and 3.5”, this lightweight shotgun is meant for the blind or pit and will withstand a lifetime of abuse. The stock and fore end are built out…
The power of the internet… On Oct. 5, GON released a story about Ava Morgan, 13, of Wray, shooting two deer with one shot from her crossbow, Part of that story included the fact that Ava saved up her own money over the summer and bought a crossbow from Academy Sports + Outdoors in Valdosta. Well,…
Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…