

GON December 2021 Issue

GON December 2021 Volume 35, No. 12 December Feature Articles Georgia Deer Hunting Reports And December Strategies GON’s Hunt Advisors report from around the state. Lake Sinclair December Bass In The Grass Danny White marks a map with 10 GPS locations to set your pattern for catching shallow bass in the Sinclair hydrilla. Quest For…

Appling Buck Falls Pushing Does

By Adam Shaw On a logging road I’ve traveled 100 times, I noticed multiple fresh scrapes along a treeline. On the evening of Oct. 9, I decided to hang a climber with my bow in range of two scrapes. The next morning it was 70 degrees, and I got in my climber 30 minutes before…

Hunter’s Journal – December 2021

By Justin Tucker Holland Since I was little, I have always enjoyed taking my friends hunting and just being able to see the way they enjoy everything about it. Guiding hunts and teaching youth about how to hunt and respect nature has got me hooked on everything about it. And I have had some awesome…

Kids Outdoor Outpost – December 2021

Hunt In, Hunt Out The realization that there are more deer hunting seasons behind me than in front of me certainly causes pause. Lately I have been reflecting on the way I hunted when I first started, my knowledge of the environment that I was hunting, the strategies I devised and the overall understanding of…

Fall Fiction: The Trembling Part Five

In the days leading up to the final hunt, Mark was entirely focused on the task at hand. While the rest of the world was in full Christmas mode, Mark was using all of his spare time to prepare for his final trip to the refuge. Determined to not let Glen down, Mark carefully studied…

WRD’s Fish-n-Learn At Marben PFA

Marben Staff hosted another Fish-n-Learn 1 on Oct. 8-11 at Charlie Elliott Wildlife Center. The participants and their parents learned how to fish for bream and catfish using live bait. Tackle, rod and reels, and a backpack tackle box was provided to each participant. Friday night classroom time was used to educate the young anglers…

Born To Hunt

The race was on, and CB radio voices crackled with excitement as the buck turned and twisted through the south Georgia swamp, hounds swerving to his every move. Pickup trucks whirled plumes of dust skyward as they raced down narrow dirt lanes, hunters going all-out to get ahead of it all and hopefully into place…

Letters To The Editor – December 2021

Special Permits For Deer Killing Needs More Does, Less Bucks Dear GON, I hope you can help get some changes made to the current special permits allowing farmers to shoot bucks.  I am on some leased property in Crawford County that has the potential for some nice deer to be taken from year to year,…

Realtree Kids Scrapbook – December 2021

Outdated And Proud

Are you eclectic? (Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute to look it up so that you can decide. How are we ever going to get you educated if I don’t toss challenges at you once in a while?) OK, got it? Good. That’s what I thought. Me neither. How about erudite? Awww, don’t even…

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