

Cook County 10-point Returns After Year-Long Disappearing Act

Ron Purvis, of Adel, killed his second big buck in recent years while hunting in Cook County in October. The first Cook County buck was killed back in 2016 and netted 146 typical inches. That first buck had 182 inches of bone and was creamed by deductions, but Ron’s latest buck is a clean 10-point,…

2,000 “Freeze Brand” Largemouth Stocked Into West Point

Georgia has stocked 2,000, 10-inch largemouth bass into West Point Lake, and fishermen will be able to tell if they catch one of those fish. The bass carry a brand that makes them easy to identify. “We freeze brand them with dry ice,” said Brent Hess, Fisheries Biologist II from the District I office in…

Gnarly 15-point Comes From A Change Of Hunting Plans

Sometimes a change of plan can be just what a deer hunter needs to find success. Bowhunter Justin Mizell’s plan was to target a big 8-point buck this season. That buck had appeared on his game camera that he had mounted on piece of property he had permission to hunt on in Fulton County. “As…

Good Bucks Come To Those Who Wait

A determined, 16-year-old young lady by the name of Bradley Smith waited four years on a good buck. Her long wait is now over after recently connecting with a 140-class 10-point on the family farm in Macon County. Bradley, of Newnan, spends plenty of hours on the stand each hunting season and enjoys the outdoors…

Bassmaster Classic Opportunity For Local Georgia Anglers

Local bass tournament anglers love to compete and they love to cash checks, but for most, there’s a dream in the backs of their minds… fish the Bassmaster Classic. Four local Georgia anglers now have that chance today and tomorrow on Lake Eufaula. A field of 358 anglers (179 teams) began the Bassmaster Team Championship…

Officer And Friends Caught Poaching Deer At Night From Police Car

Game wardens never know what to expect when they roll up on the scene after getting a call, particularly when it is regarding shots fired at night from a road. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries (LDWF) enforcement agents got quite the surprise when the vehicle they found was a police car, and inside was…

8-Pound Oconee River Bass Likely Crossbreed

It’s often been said that fishermen are the biggest advocates in the preservation of the very fish they set out to catch. Members of the Georgia College Bass Fishing Team certainly proved that Monday as nearly a dozen of them worked to get a bass—later guessed by WRD Fisheries biologists as a cross between an…

Georgia Proposes Allowing Billfish Landings

The Coastal Resources Division (CRD) of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources announced a proposed rule change to saltwater fishing regulations that would allow for the landing of billfish in Georgia for the first time in 20 years. The three billfish species that would be impacted by the rule change are Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans),…

Ocmulgee River Boat Ramp In Dodge County Reopens

County officials and Georgia Department of Natural Resources representatives recently celebrated the re-opening of the Ochise Landing Boat Ramp in Dodge County. This ramp will give boaters, paddlers and anglers improved access to the Ocmulgee River, and it will be an overall benefit to Dodge County. This ramp originally was constructed by using concrete slabs…

Five-Year Hunt For Laurens County Buck Comes To End

For five years, a big Laurens County whitetail buck taunted Tyler Bell, and he couldn’t do much about it. The deer made fleeting appearances on his game cameras, but Tyler never actually saw it with his own eyes—that is until Nov. 1, 2021. “My next-door neighbor owns about 130 acres and plants gardens every year,”…

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