Allatoona White Crappie Record Broken After 42 Years
Brad Gill | February 24, 2022
After a 42-year run, the Lake Allatoona white crappie record has been broken. Cody Hopkins, of Canton, is the new record holder after catching a 3-lb., 4.24-oz. slab on Feb. 10.

Cody Hopkins, of Canton, with a 3-lb., 4.24-oz. slab from Allatoona.
“It was only the third fish I’ve caught since moving here on Dec. 4,” said Cody.
Cody is the new caretaker at Cushing Memorial Park on the north end of Lake Allatoona. He was fishing from one of the docks there in the park when he caught the fish.
“The end of the dock was in about 10 feet of water, even with the water down,” said Cody. “I was fishing with a bobber and a minnow with about a 5-foot leader.”
Cody was with his stepbrother Zack McDowell, of Winder, and they started fishing around 3 p.m.
“It was pretty windy that day, we had about 8 to 10 mph winds,” said Cody.
Cody was fishing with a 3-foot Zebco Dock Demon with just 4-lb. test line. At 4 p.m., still without a fish on the dock, Cody slung his minnow out 10 or 12 feet and let the wind slowly float it back toward the dock. As Cody sat patiently talking with his brother, it wasn’t until the bobber had drifted all the way back and was touching the dock when the record-setter took the cork under.
“As soon as I set the hook, I immediately knew it was something huge,” said Cody. “I am sitting there reeling, reeling, reeling, and the drag is going nuts. I probably fought him a good five minutes. Once I got him close to the surface and we saw him, my brother grabbed the net and scooped him up. I dropped the rod and was sitting there shaking like crazy. I have never seen a crappie that big.”
The next day Cody took the fish to the Corner Butcher Shop at 10515 Bells Ferry Road in Canton to get an official weight. It was also verified as a white crappie by WRD Fisheries Biologist Jackson Sibley.
The former white crappie record was caught March 7, 1980. Angler Alan Brown caught the 2-lb., 12-oz. fish.
Allatoona Point Lake Records
Largemouth Bass | 16-lbs., 9-ozs. | Greg Rymer | 08/31/82 | ||
Spotted Bass | 7-lbs., 11-ozs. | George Clark | 11/18/74 | ||
Hybrid Bass | 13-lbs., 9.5-ozs. | Danny Alsobrook | 02/07/90 | ||
Striped Bass | 42-lbs. | Clint Hight | 02/15/02 | ||
Black Crappie | 3-lbs., 7.36-ozs. | Corey Harmon | 03/05/22 | ||
White Bass | 3-lbs., 2-ozs. | Darrell Baxter | 05/15/94 | ||
Flathead Catfish | 35-lbs., 10.88-ozs. | Sandy Sanders | 06/20/08 | ||
Blue Catfish | 52-lbs., 1-oz. | Aaron Churchwell | 10/27/20 | ||
Tiger Trout | 2-lbs., 12.8-ozs. | Bob Geresti | 02/01/18 | ||
Yellow Perch | 1-lb., 1.44-ozs. | David Brewer | 12/02/23 | ||
White Crappie | 3-lbs., 4.24-ozs. | Cody Hopkins | 02/10/22 | ||
Longnose Gar | 27-lbs., 4-ozs. | Caleb McClure | 06/24/23 | ||
Shellcracker | 2-lbs., 5-ozs. | Dan Huizinga | 04/20/24 | ||
Redbreast | 10-ozs. | Dan Huizinga | 08/03/24 |
See all of GON’s official Georgia Lake & River Records here.
Requirements For Record Fish
• Fish must be caught legally by rod and reel in a manner consistent with state game and fish regulations.
• Catch must be weighed on accurate Georgia DOA certified scales with at least two witnesses present, who must be willing to provide their names and phone numbers so they can be contacted to verify the weighing of the fish.
• Witnesses to the weighing must be at least 18 years old, and they must not be members of the angler’s immediate family nor have a close personal relationship with the angler.
• Catch must be positively identified by qualified DNR personnel.
GON’s records are compiled and maintained by GON, to be awarded at GON’s discretion. Additional steps may be required for record consideration.
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