

New State-Record Redbreast Comes From Satilla River

The Georgia state-record redbreast fell yesterday on the red-hot Satilla River, arguably one of the hottest fishing rivers in the country right now. The 1-lb., 12.32-oz. rooster caught by Lester Roberts beat the old state record, a 1-lb., 11-oz. redbreast caught in a Coweta County pond in 1998. Lester’s state-record redbreast is the third time…

Sportsmen Raise Funds For Georgia SCI Conservation, Education Programs

Hundreds of sportsmen, women and conservationists from across the Peach State gathered last Saturday evening at Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna for the annual Sportsman’s Banquet and Auction hosted by the Georgia Chapter of Safari Club International (SCI). Georgia SCI welcomed dignitaries, current and former elected officials from across the state, SCI chief executive officer W.…

California Beach Video Catches Coyote Attack On Toddler

A surf camera captured the moment when a coyote rushed onto a California beach and attacked a toddler. Two adults and another child were feet away when the coyote made the brazen attack, seriously injuring the child, who was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. The coyote leaped at the child’s chest and face and then was…

Oconee River Blue Cat Record Broken By 10-Year-Old

If the 5th-grade class at Morgan Elementary School in Madison had show-and-tell a few weeks back, Zackary Mashburn was undoubtedly the winner. The 10-year-old caught the largest blue catfish—38-lbs., 11.52-ozs.–to ever come from the Oconee River below Lake Sinclair. He caught it on April 24. “It took me 15 minutes to get him in,” the…

Finally! A Photo For The Lake Jackson Bass Record

There are more than 1.1 million licensed anglers in Georgia. Of that number, only a small percentage have ever had the honor of being recognized by GON as catching the largest fish of a certain species from an individual lake. What are the odds of a fisherman catching two lake-record fish of two different species…

Mayfly Hatch Bass

Summertime in the South can be a bit taxing, on both the bass and the bass fishermen. Highs in the 90s quickly have water temps boiling up into the 80s. And before the summer is out, even the water temps will break the 90-degree mark in many places.  This time of year, many anglers will…

GON May 2022 Issue

May 2022: Vol. 36, No. 5   May Feature Articles Big-Fish Time For Coosa River Catfish Big blues and flatheads, along with channel catfish and striped bass, are hitting live and cut bait on the Coosa in May.  Studying Coyote Movement Through GPS Biologists are learning more about the movements of coyotes and how breeding…

Midway Man Sets New Record For Dolphin

A 53-year-old Midway man is the new state-record holder for dolphin fish, also known as mahi mahi, after the Georgia Department of Natural Resources certified his catch. James Roberts, of Midway, landed the 68-lb., 1.6-oz. dolphin April 26, 2022 while fishing over Deli Ledge approximately 80 miles east of St. Catherines Island, according to DNR’s…

Capt. David Newlin Figures It All Out

It’s two and a piece pre-dawn hours from home to Richmond Hill, then add on another 15 minutes to Ft. McAllister Marina. Windshield time is prime for cogitation, and all the way down I’ve tried to figure out just what my favorite part of an inshore fishing trip with Capt. David Newlin is. And that’s…

Realtree Kids Scrapbook – May 2022

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