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The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED. Harris County: On Jan. 10, 2021, Game Warden Gregory Castelli received a complaint that…
Grilled, Glazed Frog Legs No hindsight ip unit displayed. A mess of frog legs cooked in a backyard fish cooker can make for a great meal. Of those who have eaten frog legs, about 99.9% have only had them fried. The swamp delicacy is more versatile than that. Honey-glazed frog legs are made with ingredients…
Dragging a deer out of the woods used to be a fairly easy process for me, but when you get older than 40, you might notice that you get winded quicker than you did as a young man. Last fall I was hunting on Piedmont NWR in central Georgia when a nice 8-point buck walked…
Who is your favorite outdoor writer? My favorite changes depending on whether I’m diving into some classic from my bookshelf or reading something in a current issue of GON. Think about your favorite outdoor writer whose name doesn’t appear in GON, and insert them in this question… “Why doesn’t ‘so-and-so’ write articles for GON?” Spend…
Once in a great while I find my head being turned “not once but twice,” as the old Irish saying goes. Unlike the Irish, what turns my head is almost always a dog. Since my massive ol’ pal Tramp went west, I’ve shied away from what can quickly turn into painful entanglement. Look once… then…
The Truck-Buck contest is back for the 34th year! Hard to believe. However, just because this is the 34th year of Truck-Buck, hunters should not take this amazing contest for granted. Instead, please take a few minutes to thank the Truck-Buck sponsors. And when you do business, do so with the folks who support us…
Clarks Hill: Level: 1 foot below 330. Temp: Mid to upper 80s. Clarity: Clear mid-lake down, stained in the rivers. Bass: Tournament angler Trad Whaley reports, “Summer has us in a stranglehold. If you can dodge the storms, night fishing is a great option to stay cool and catch some of the better fish. Also,…
West Point: Level: 0.5 feet below 635. Temp: Mid 80s. Clarity: Some stain up the lake and in the creek, but clear toward the dam. Bass: Fair: Guide Keith Hudson reports, “August is usually a tough month for bass fishing on most lakes. There are a few patterns that can still produce. Try pitching jigs…
Chatuge: Level: Full pool. Temp: 83-86 degrees. Clarity: Clear Bass: Guide Eric Welch, of Welch’s Guide Service, reports, “Fishing has been good. We’ve been catching some quality fish and having some trips with good numbers. There has been a topwater bite happening at first light, and you will also see some good schools of fishing breaking…